still in shock

Oct 26, 2009

So I had my  husband look at the scale 4 me this am. I dont usually look cuz i dont want to get frustrated or discouraged. he generally doesnt tell me either but today he was really excited and couldnt contain himself. I am down 90 pounds yep 90 at  a little over 4 months I cant really believe it.  I dont feel deprived in any way  and weigh as much now as i did 20 years ago Thats a shocker i never thought I would see those numbers again. what is interesting is that I thought I would see myself different in the mirror but I dont. I knew this happened to peeps but I really thought that it was ridiculous well, im there and a little disturbed about it. Im ecstatic about the loss itself jst expected me to have a realistic view of where I am at along the way. Mike seems very proud of the progress,not posessively or anything just excited that its all coming to fruition.That makes me happy.

already losing before surgery

Jun 08, 2009

      Oh my gosh. went in for my pre-op appt today and had already lost 20 pounds since I have been on the surgery diet. couldnt believe my eyes neither could the nurse she had me step off the scale and on again thinking something was askew.I knew I felt a difference but certainly not that much. 1 week from tomorrow I will officially start my new life it is so exciting.  The count down is on... I am on my way!

excited,overwhelmed,can't believe its happening

Jun 05, 2009

  when I first got on this sight wls was jst very wishful thinking .  even though I had set all the wheels in motion with many and i do mean many doctors appts from the cardiologist to the pulmonologist to sleep studies yep i said studies it just felt neverending. Knowing that in this economy my husband could lose his job any time so we took on what felt like many times an undaunting task I was approved on May 31. I was in shock when i got the call i was expecting a denial just based on all the resistence that seemed to come our way.  I say our way because while I was working my husband who I am greatful for everyday was the sqeeky wheel he was on the phone several times a day with this doc or that doc scheduling getting tanscripts or making sure the filiers were on top of things. This wouldnt of happened without him and his only motivation was that he knew how much it meant to me. I will never forget the approval call and setting of surgery date at the end of call the gal actually told me to hang up now and call my husband immediately so that he wouldnt call her later to "check on the status" Again squeeky  wheel gets the grease. So my surgery date is June 16th just 2 months from the date i  officially started ths trek and that was with a cancellation after my first submittal. So I am a little over a week till the surgery and celebrating my 40th birthday today, cant have any cake but I sure got my wish.  I am so excited,overwhelmed and can't believe its really happening. 


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