14 Month Update

May 29, 2009

Just a quick update since I haven't done so for a while.   Everything still going fine.   Feeling great and very active.  Passed the 200 pound weight-loss mark this month.   With the warmer weather and increased activity, the weight loss has picked back up a little bit.   Next goal is  to reach a total loss of 250 - that may take some time but I still think I can get there.

One-year Update

Mar 17, 2009

Well, it was a year ago today that I had RNY surgery.  What a great year it has been.   Still have a way to go and am working hard to get there, but when I reflect on where I have gotten to so far, I have to be pleased.   No complications to date and down 185 pounds.   I think I'll take it.  
Though progress is really slow now, I guess it should be after all the loss to date.  I certainly have formed new and healthy eating and exercise habits without picking up any bad replacement addictions and for that I am very thankful.   I  experienced a few ups and downs mentally during the year, as most of us seem to do, but for the last several months, I seem to be on a very level plain and generally not too high and not too low. 
I still want to lose another 60 or 65 pounds.  Based on how hard I now have to work for every single pound, I know that it will take some time to complete, but I remain committed to get there, however long it takes.
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Long overdue update

Jan 14, 2009

Well, I am way overdue for an update, so here it is.   All continues to go well, but ever so slowly now.   I am only losing in the 5 pounds per month range, but it remains steady and I am feeling great.   I am about ten months out from surgery, nearly one year since the pre-op diet began and have lost 180 pounds.   Needless to say, I am very happy about that.  I believe that I have successfully formed the eating habits I need to avoid any significant rebound whenever I finish losing and will monitor closely to make sure it doesn't sneak up on me.  That said, I still want to lose another 60 pounds this year and then evaluate whether losing some more weight is a reasonable objective.  I still want to lose all I can, but having started at such a high level, I know that ever raching a BMI of 22 "ain't real likely".  That said, I don't want to put any unnecessary limitations on what is possible either.  So, I will just take it a step at a time now and start enjoying the new life even more.   I really don't feel any limitations anymore due to body size and fitness, so every additional pound lost is really kind of a bonus and progress towards long-term better health.  It's been a great ride so far, with good weght loss progress, valued new friendships and great hope for the future.  I am very thankful for this opportunity and plan to make the most of it.

6 Months Out and All Is Well

Sep 26, 2008

Well, it's hard to believe that it's been 6 months since WLS.  Have hit the dreaded stall, but still doing well otherwise.  Just got my six month labs and all were good.  Cholesterol is down to 132 with no meds --- yahoo!   Still taking some insulin with good control of blood sugars.  All other blood levels were good.  Doc says I need to eat more to get out of the stall.  I have resisisted, but after diligently tracking all foods and keeping intake to 100 cals without additional loss, I am going up to 1250 to see if I can get things moving again.  Seems strange but it's actually hard to get in that many calories without eating junk.  Trying to keep the 40, 30 ,30 ratio of protein, carbs and fats.  Overall, I am very pleased.  Down over 160 pounds since the first of the year and full of energy.   It's great to be able to do anything I want without running out of gas all of the time.  Let's see where the next 6 months take me.

Update - Five Months Post-Op

Aug 18, 2008

Not a lot to add this month.  This was another good month with no real issues.   Down another 16 pounds in month five.  Had another sleep study done and got to put the CPAP machine in the closet.  yippee!  Also began keeping a daily food log to track calories, carbs, fat and protein now that I can eat more than before.  This is a very helpful and necessary tool for me.  Lots of protein and controlled amounts of carbs and fats equals continued weight loss and less feeling deprived.

I still love my RNY. 

Total weight loss to date is 154 including 56 in the two months pre-surge

Four Months Since Surgery

Jul 15, 2008

Well, its been four months since my surgery and six months since I began my pre-surgery diet.  Time to reflect on what I've accomplished and what I've learned so far.  I am pleased with the results so far and I feel great.  I can do so much more than I could six short months back.  Weight loss has been all I could have hoped for when I began this journey:

Month 1        31 pounds
Month 2        25 pounds
Month 3        36 pounds
Month 4        18 pounds
Month 5         12 pounds
Month 6         16 pounds

Total           138 pounds to date
                   Waist size is down 14 inches
                   Shirt size is 2X down from 5X

Some of my observations so far:

1.   RNY Rocks - RNY is a great tool that when combined with program compliance produces results.  Compliance includes proper diet, proper exercise and proper supplementation.  RNY surgery provided the tool - the results are up to me!

2.  Staying encouraged and educated is critical to success.

3.  Nobody provides encouragement and education better than OH members.  Others may try but few of them understand or care like fellow WLSers do.

4.  Many people really don't understand WLS, but that's OK because I didn't do this for them.

5.  When I start to be able to eat more food than I think I should, about 4 or 5 days back on liquids only will return my pouch to its old restrictive self and eating right becomes much easier again.

6.  This is not an easy journey, but it is very worth the effort required.

7.  I can do this (for the rest of my life) and so can you.


Three Month Check-Up

Jul 01, 2008

Had my three month check-up this week and all is well.   Down 128 pounds since the beginning of the year when I began the pre-op diet.  Since I learned to eat more than normal while on vacation, I decided to go on liquids only for a few days after returning to "break the cycle".   When I returned to eating, the old pouch had returned to its tight little self and I once again get full very quickly.  What a great tool !!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 22, 2008

Returned from Alaska yesterday.  Managed to keep weight even while on vacation - not easy with all of the temptations.  What a great trip. Posted a few pics from the trip.


Jun 05, 2008

Approaching 3 months out from surgery and all is going remarkably well.  Down 120 pounds since I began the preop diet in January.  Feeling good and staying active.     Finding lots of encouragement on the OH boards and learning much from the veterans of OH.  Going on a 2 week vacation beginning Sunday to Alaska.  Will post some pics when I return.

About Me
Maumelle, AR
Surgery Date
Apr 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 9
6 Months Out and All Is Well
Update - Five Months Post-Op
Four Months Since Surgery
Three Month Check-Up
