Day 2 1200 cal day

Oct 13, 2011

Well, I'm doing much better from my Tuesday wack-o freak-out after getting all the info from my bariatric center. I think it was the fact that I had some caffeine, bad food choices, and just at a bad mental place.

I've been reading my giant bariatric bible, highliting, marking, and writing out all my questions. I'm much more calm, but I try to think of the entire process instead of the single 'surgery day'. Seems to help a little.

Day 2 on 1200 calories a day. Yesterday I wasn't able to get all my veggies in, and only got in 1100 cal.  Lately, I just haven't been interested in eating. That's a good thing, I guess. I could see where that will really cause a problem post-surgery, though.  I probably should have just done the opti-fast until surgery, but I wasn't ready to drop my food cold turkey (see, everything relates to food). So, I thought I would just do 10 days of 1200, then the rest on opti-fast until the 6th of Nov.

I just realized that Fall is the perfect time to have this surgery. As the trees are shedding their leaves and getting ready through this winter for a new birth in spring, so  am I.

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Sep 29, 2011
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