8 month down and a lifetime to go

Aug 14, 2009

I saw Dr. Mark yesterday.  He said I am doing great.  Even though I have only lost 5 lbs since my last visit.  He told me they tell band patients to expect to lose 40 % of there weight in 1 year and 60% in 2 years, he said I have lost 43% of mine.  So he and Jan are both proud of me.  I asked them to give me a good fill because I don't feel that  I have enough restriction.  Even though it has been slow the last few months I am still slowly losing and not having to do anything more that watch how much I eat.  It is so much better then dieting.  Dieting I couldn't eat any sweets or starches with out gaining weight.  Now I eat what ever I want. 


About Me
Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
May 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 14
12 hours to go
