
Aug 13, 2008

I am almost 58 and I decided I was tired of being a fat, tired indistinct person.  

When I was 22, I had a vertical gastric bypass and went from 242 to 147 and leveled out at 160 for over 20 years.  Other than gall bladder removal within a year after my original surgery and taking B-12, I had no side effects and enjoyed being active and healthy.  Life threw me a few curves.  I started making food my life.  I tried many diets but yo-yo'd higher after each one... a common tune.

Recently, I hit 247 - too close to 250.  I decided to opt for revision surgery, something that proved successful for many years because it provided the opportunity to feel full on a small amount of food.  I am ready to do this.

I went to Mexico to explore my options there as I have no insurance, but the love of my life, Geri, pointed out it was too far away from Phoenix which could be a problem if there were any complications.  It is unfortunate because I liked Dr. Acevas.  Then I explored surgery in another setting in Mexico where I would be there longer to ensure that I could get sufficient care just in case.  But I am thinking - what kind of follow-up/support system would be there afterward?

I saw the shrink who gave me his blessings.  After exploring the local options, I am seriously considering the Bridges Bariatric Weight Loss Center at St. Luke's Hospital.  I see Jenel, their dietician,  Friday.  I have an appointment with Dr. Fang on the 18th to discuss my options.  I called to ask a question and decided to ask when they are scheduling surgeries.  They said two weeks and later - wow - a reality check.  So... Am I really ready?

I found a wonderful book on weight loss surgeries - Weight Loss Surgery: A Lighter Look at a Heavy Subject (Paperback) by Terry Simpson, M.D. who turns out to be a local doc.  He explains with occasional punny humor the ins and outs, pros and cons, preparation, what to expect, how to sabotage yourself or be successful, the cast of characters in the hospital, the need to walk, walk, walk to enable better healing, weight loss plateau versus inches and lean muscle plateau, and so much more.  Dr. Simpson eases my fears, answers the how's and what if's. This is the best $30 I have invested in a long time.  

I am ready to talk with the dietician, food diary and diet history in hand on Friday.  And I am ready to talk with Dr. Fang (yes - fang as in dragon or dog) on Monday about my options.

Carly Simon wrote the lyrics in 1971 of a song "Anticipation"  
"Anticipation, anticipation is making me late, is keeping me waiting"
I am finally letting myself feel that anticipation - of success - health - energy - being an active participant instead of a reticent observer "for these are the 'good old days'" and I don't want to waste them!

Ah - anticipation!


About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Jul 10, 2008
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