
Nov 05, 2006

I spent all day in bed today.  My back and shoulder started acting up really bad last night and continued all day today.  I am afraid to take any meds without talking to my doctor first since this will be the first time since surgery.  I was in a bad car accident in Jan of this year and hit again in May.  I feel like crap when i cant get out of bed my body aches all over. 

I did get up to cook dinner for the family but went right back to bed.  I don't want to miss anymore work right now.  I need to save my leave.

November 2006

Nov 04, 2006

11/4/06  I have been hurting on my left side for three days now.  I was working out in the treadmil and now have a terrible pain on my left side.  I hurts to breath in deep and to stretch out on that side other than that I'm doing great.  I've been really busy volunteering for my son's football team doing concessions for all the games.  Well I'm off to do the playoff games today and wont get home until about midnight.  We have four games to do concessions for. 

October 2006

Oct 01, 2006

10/10/06 I am a little over one week post op having trouble today. I started my vitamins and I scratched my throat a few days ago and was unable to get anything down including water. I was so weak and couldn't get out of bed. Dr. Oh wants to do a EGD again to see if something is wrong or if I did indead scratch my throat. It's been this way for a few days now. I was 29lbs down on my 1 week appt.

10/13/06 I am starting to feel better I am going to go to work for half day today and see how I feel. I can now get some water down but no pills at this point. I am going to cancel the EGD since I can now drink.

10/30/06 It's been almost a month since I had surgery I am down about 33lbs so far 212lbs. I was cleared to start the soft food stage for the next month and that's great. I was getting tired of soup. I had a stall between week two and three. I am now back to losing a few pounds. I have now found a protein shake that I can handle without dry heaving. Champions Chocolate. It's a little sweet but at least I can keep it down. I have experienced the foamies a few times and discomfort from eating either too big of a bit or too fast and that's not much fun. I have only had a problem eating egg salad I got so sick from it and haven't tried it again.

September 2006

Sep 01, 2006

9/28/06 The count down is coming to an end. I have 4 days until I have my surgery on 10/3/06 and I can't wait. The clear liquid diet was really hard at first. It didn't help that I was sick with the flu and a sinus infection and ended up with a migrane but I am now doing much better and should have no problem having my surgery as planned. I can tell you that I don't think I will eat SF Jello or Chicken Broth again for a long time once this month is up.

August 2006

Aug 01, 2006

8/3/06 Today I had my ultrasound, Chest X-Ray, Cardio and blood work done. During my ultrasound the tech was concerned because my spleen was enlarged and bigger that is should be. (I'm not sure what that's all about. He asked if I was a drinker or had been ill recently but I only drink about once every month or two and haven't really been ill. He said I will probably have to go back for another one before I have surgery. I will call the drs office in a couple days to find out what will happen because of my spleen. I did tell him that I had been in two car accidents this year and my left side was injured and wondered if that was the cause but he wasn't sure. I wanted to kill the tech that drew my blood. I explained to him that I don't like needles and have always had a problem with my blood drawn. He stuck me the first time so hard I almost jumped out of my seat. He was pretty brutal...well he missed and started digging the needle in my arm and causing me lots of pain. He then pulled the needle and wanted to try in the same spot again but I told him no he could try one more time in the other arm but after two I would like him to get someone with more experience with drawing blood and to be a little easier on jabbing the needle in. Well the second shot was much better and he was right on the spot...We only had to try once for all the vials. I usually have to be stuck more than once because my veins move and they don't always get enough in each stick. Well enough on that subject. I've had it much worse. You would think I would be use to it by now but I don't think you can ever get use to that.

On, a happier note. I had a telephone interview yesterday with another office in San Fran., CA we are looking at moving down there to be near my husbands family and I received a call back today for a second interview but they want me to fly down there and for an interview on Thursday ($300.00 for a ticket) I'm not all that sure I really want to give up everything here to move down to CA. I'm very secure in my job now and have lots of flexibility whereas the other office doesn't...I have two teenagers who play sports and I love to support them and I'm just not sure if this will be possible in CA.

8/9/06 I had my psy eval on Monday-Not sure the results or what they are really looking for. He should have the results to Dr Oh by Friday at the latest. That took forever answered all the questions which several were repeated. I was there for two hours total and didn't leave until 6 pm. On Sunday my husband was playing football at an awards ceramony for my boys and another adult landed on his ankle it sprained so bad that it snapped a bone in his leg right below the knee so now I have to take care of him. He is in a full leg cast. Hopefully they can put him in a smaller cast. I have had to put off my 2nd interview because I have to care for my husband so I'm hoping he isn't down too long.

8/15/06 Well I had my appointment with the internist yesterday and everything is a go. He explained the issue with my spleen and that they wont do anything because I just have an abnorimally large spleen. I have to start back on my inhalers and take it daily. I started to boycot all my meds and haven't been taking them unless I really need them. My husband has been given a walking cast but has surgery tomorrow to have two pins put in his ankle. He won't be able to work until November now. It sure is going to be tight financially with him not working. Luckly we have a little supplemental insurance to cover 65% of his wages. I had to pull my daughter out of day care to cut some costs that we really cannot afford. He will be at the end of his recover by the time I have my surgery so that is a plus. Right now me and the kids are having to care for him because he can't walk at all yet. This year has been crazy for me. Two car accidents, my husbands leg then on Sunday I was doing some extra cleaning and broke my finger....Crazy I sure can't wait to have this year end.

8/23/06 Today was my nutrition appointment and I was able to get my date moved up two weeks to 10/3/06...I just hope it continues to move up. I would like to have it as soon as possible. I went to Vitalady today to try samples of the protein supplements...OMG some of them are just aweful. I have a really bad gag reflex and wanted to hurl on a couple of them. I did finally decide on two I think I could handle. Capp. Mochachino and Necture Fuzzy Navel. Let hope I can continue to handle them after the surgery.

July 2006

Jul 01, 2006

7/6/06 Today was my visit with Dr Oh to start to process again. I changed insurance companies because I was told BCBS Federal was better than AETNA to get approval. Well this year I found out that BCBS doesn’t do preapprovals and that I take a chance that after surgery they will not pay for my surgery. This makes me a little nervous but I decided no matter what I wanted to get my life back and was going to go through with the procedure no matter what. I received my surgery date of October 17, 2006. I was hoping my surgery would have been sooner but oh well. My weight is at 228 and that puts my BMI under 40 but with my co-morbities they don’t think I will have a problem but no one can give me a guarantee that it will be covered. What is one to do in a situation like this....

Here is what has to be done preop:

Francis Radiology (Blood work, EKG, Chest X-Ray, Urine Analysis, Ultrasound of ABD, PFT with SAO2) 8/3/06 12:00 p.m. -DONE
Psychological Evaluation 8/7/06 4:00 p.m. -DONE
Internist 8/14/06 -DONE
Nutritional Class 8/23/06- DONE

I am trying to get everything done early so that I can be put on the cancellation list.

7/18/06 Just sitting here wishing time would go by faster but because my nerves are getting the best of me. As the days go by I'm getting really scared and wondering if I'm making the right decision. I don't think I've ever been this nervous but know that I really need to do this. I only wish my date was this month because October seems so far way even though it's only three months away. I've waited three years you would think I would be happy with only three months left to wait. Enough on the complaining. I am excited because my sister is coming down the week I'm having surgery to help my husband out. He doesn't have any leave time and we can't afford for him to go without pay so between my husband, sister and my parents I should have the extra help I will need.

7/28/06 This year has been a little rough for me. I was in two car accidents within 4 months of each other (neither were my fault just impatient people on the road) and go to the drs 4 to 5 days a week to get better. I just want to feel better. My shoulder and neck are always hurting. I go see an orthopedic surgeon next week to see what the next step in my treatment will be and what he thinks needs to be done. I’ve been reading and reading more to make sure I am prepared mentally for the surgery and what will come afterwards. I am making lists and more lists on things I will need at the hospital and afterwards.

About Me
Somewhere out there, WA
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2 Mo Pre Op and 10 Mo Post Op

Friends 37

Latest Blog 16
March 12, 2008 Update
1 yr 1 mo and 1 wk post op RNY
6 Mo Post Op RNY/3 wks PO Gall Bladder & TT
March 6 07 Worst day since RNY surgery
21 weeks post op 2/27/07
16 weeks post op appt
Jan 10 (14 Week 1 day post Op)
Insurance Approval......12/21/06
12/18/06 11 wks post op
8 Week Post Op Appt
