Today is my one year Anniversary

Mar 11, 2009

Hello Everyone!!!

Today is my one year anniversary and I weighed in today just to see what the total was!  I am proud to say that I have lost 155 pounds in a year's time.  I don't know what the normal is but I have not been 209 lbs since High School and I am so happy :)  My Goal is to get down to 160 lbs and then I can have my plastic surgery consultation.  This is the very best decision I have made for myself and I encourage anyone who is thinking of doing it to have the surgery.  You will not regret it..



Jun 09, 2008

Hey everyone!!!!

Had my 3 month follow up today.  So they are very pleased with my results.  They said by the 3 month mark which is 12 weeks they expect a 20% weight loss.  I am at 23% I have lost a total of 54 lbs.  I am almost under 300 lbs.  I have not been that weight since my freshman year of college which was 8 years ago.  this is by far the best decision that I have ever made for myself.  I will never in my life regret this.  I still eat good food!!!!  Bread and I sometimes fight, but other than that all the foods I am allowed to have my body tolerates pretty well.  I have bought a bicycle for the mornings I don't feel like going to the gym, which works out really well for me cause I don't feel like going most of the time. We also opened our pool for the summer so I am looking forward to swimming my laps at home.  It feels so good to be able to climb the ladder of the pool without a struggle.  So back to my appointment today.  Dr. Schram told me that my iron is a little low so I needed to start taking a supplement for that.  So after that the dietitian came in to see me.  She stated that my iron is not low it is my iron saturation that is low.  So they changed my vitamin on me.  I now have to take a pre-natal vitamin.  Apparently that will give me the iron I need plus the extra vitamin C to help me absorb the iron.  Other than that they get on me because I don't eat like I am suppose to.  She told me today to set an alarm on my phone for every 3 hours to make sure that I eat.  This first year is very crucial for my body and I need to take care of it.  Even though I don't get hungry my body still needs the fuel and the protein.  So I am going to work really hard to do as they ask and I am really watching the clock to make sure I eat when I am suppose to.  Any one with any suggestions please let me know


sorry it has taken so long :)

Apr 14, 2008

Ok so I am 33 Days post op!!!!!  Everything went GREAT!!!  Only had to spend two days in the hospital. Dr. Schram is a wonderful man and I would recommend him to anyone :)    I have lost 36 lbs already, I am back to work and feeling Great....I am finally going to soft foods tomorrow.  Got a week of those and then I am finally able to introduce regular foods.  I am so excited!!!  I told my family I wanted soft taco's on my first night of reg foods.    Well l will keep you updated.


Mar 05, 2008

Ok so it is finally here.  March 11th....6 days to go!!!! They called this morning!!!!!! I have to be at the Barix Clinic at 6am that morning for Surgery

Wish me Luck!!!!!

I will update you when I get home

I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Jan 23, 2008

Ok so it has finally happened!!!!!

Thanks to BCBS PPO...I am finally scheduled!!!!

March 11th 2008 in Ypsilanti, MI with Dr. Schram

I go for pre-surgery Feb 25, 2008

Wish me Luck!!!!

Ok so it is now January 2008

Jan 08, 2008

Ok so a lot has been going on the past 6 months.  Once again BCN denied me.  But all is good.  My employer just switched insurance providers, which is turning out to be good for me.  We switched to BCBS PPO and I can't wait.  This allows me to go to the Barix clinic which is only 1.5 miles from my house.  Plus it is an in house approval.  So no submitting everything and waiting 6 weeks for an answer.  At most I only wait 3 weeks for an answer.  I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up, but we will see.  It is all starting to come together and I can't wait. I met with Dr. Schram in December for my consultation.  He said that everything looked good, and then he said.  I know this sounds kind of silly, but can you lose about 30 pounds before surgery.  I told him that I would try my best.  He said that at my weight he probably would not be able to do the surgery safely lap, but he would do it open.  Having the surgery open scares me a little.  So I started a diet called weight loss for dummies.  I am two days into it and we will see what happens, hopefully by surgery I will be down to the 340 he needs me down too I am trying really hard to hit that point. I am so excited......

I will keep you updated :)

I am seeing the light in the tunnel :)

Jul 04, 2007

Ok so I talked to my Primary Care's office this morning.  I found out that we have everything we needed and got the paperwork faxed to BCN on Tuesday.  Ok so 15 Days from now I will have an answer on if the surgery is approved or not.  I think I am excited and nervous at the same time.  Wish me LUCK

Trying not to get my hopes up :)

Jul 03, 2007

07-04-2007 So I just found out two days ago, that my referral to Henry Ford Hospital has been approved.  The good thing is that it is a global referral, which means that I can go there as many times as I need to and that when it comes time for the surgery.  The clinic there just has to call BCN for authorization numbers.  My first consultation appointment is August 21st at 4pm.  I will keep you updated on what's next.

The start of my journey

Jun 18, 2007

   So I made the first big step today to start this process all over again after 22 months.  I called Henry Ford Health systems and got registered.  I am waiting on a call back from them to schedule my appt.  Meanwhile I have a consultation with my primary care on 6-22-2007 to make sure my grievance paperwork is filled out correctly and submitted to BCN.  I am just keeping an open and optimistic mind.  Hope to report back with good news!!!

About Me
Jun 05, 2007
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sorry it has taken so long :)
I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!
Ok so it is now January 2008
I am seeing the light in the tunnel :)
Trying not to get my hopes up :)
The start of my journey
