A Fable

Oct 12, 2009

Once upon a time there was an extremely fat old woman who lived in a tiny cottage, far, far away from everyone and everything.  Now, this old woman wasn't always fat.  She used to dance with the butterflies and run with the bunnies.  There were not enough hours in the day for her to do all that she wanted to do!  Unfortunately, somewhere along the line a curse was bestowed upon her head, probably from that stinky old gremlin who lived in the rotten stump of the old crabapple tree, and she quickly gained oodles and gobs of weight, so much so that she could no longer dance with the butterflies or run with the bunnies.  She became sadder and sadder, until all she ever wanted to do was sit in her little cottage and look out the window at life passing by.  It seemed that everytime she got a little glimmer of sunshine, the curse would darken her eyes and give her one more reason to be sad.  One day the fat old woman decided she would try her very hardest to rid herself of the curse.  She looked far and wide until she found the prince with the magic solution.  He was very gallant, and promised her that if she would take his magic treatment, she would soon again be happier and healthier, and perhaps even dance with the butterflies.  Yes, oh yes, the fat old woman cried.  I will do exactly as you say!  She prepared herself as best she could so that when the prince gave her the magic treatment she would be ready to make the most of his gift to her.  As the day approached for the prince to meet with the fat old woman, another dark cloud rested over the head of the fat old woman!  It demanded a huge amount of gold before it would go away, and the fat old woman, being poor, was not able to get the dark cloud to get out of her way.  She begged and pleaded with the dark cloud, please, oh please let me receive this gift of life, but to no avail.  The dark cloud would not budge.  Alas, the prince was not able to help the fat old woman, so she is doomed to die a fat old woman with no joy left in her.

The end.


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