Updating...havent posted in a long time

Jun 24, 2010

I haven't posted anything in a very long time....I am just writing to say that it has been a struggle with the band...nothing bad (health wise), just thought that it was going to be a piece of cake losing weight with it, I have lost 58 lbs since Sept of 2009 and I am very proud of myself but I have had to work hard to lose that weight, before I had the surgery I didn't eat very much but my body just stored the fat though. I have lost the weight because I do now what I didn't do before EXERCISE!! Many people tell me that I should have done that a long time ago without getting the band, but I feel that the band keeps me in line, and oooo weee I sometimes get tired of chewing so much that Id rather not even eat...lol I mean just sitting there and chewing and chewing, sometimes I feel like a cow (have u ever just sat there and seen a cow eat grass?? that's how I feel I look when I chew and chew...lol) but anyways, I feel that I have accomplished what I have because of the Exercise and keeping myself from eating ice cream and junky food.  I haven't had an adjustment in like about 2 months because I found out that the insurance company (that I work for) is not paying for the adjustments because the fac is out of network and I just haven't found an in net fac yet...but I am still losing tho...I want to get an adjustment soon tho because sometimes I feel that I can go overboard if I don't keep myself in line.  If you have questions or anything just hit me up...
Thanks and Good Luck and God Bless to all


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2009
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