Day 5 liquid diet Pre-Op

Jun 16, 2009

 SO here I am feeling hungry and tired of broth (chicken broth is DISGUSTING!) and protein shakes. *sigh* But I made it. Mind you I had a whole lot of distractions and constant naggings from the mil (mom in law).

WHY do people think they can tell you to forget the surgery if you have committed to it already? Just because you can stick to a diet plan better now than before. Never have I had so much discouragment before this week. The mil is telling me that I should forget the surgery and stick to the liquid diet, now how birdbrained is that! I mean I am getting protein yes, and staying hydrated, but no one being can stick to a liquid diet long term and expect the same results. Tried and true I have treid all kinds of dieting methods, but to hear someone who is thin tell me that I should basically go the wrong way about dieting and lose weight......TOTAL DOWNER!

I just walk away when she says stupid things like that. I have worked WAY too hard to get where I am today. I am tired of the constant reminders and nagging of me being overweight, and the whole, "wow you really let yourself go". I mean truly some people are rude without either meaning to be or knowing. I am sick of it frankly. 

Tomorrow is the BIG day and all I can think about is how far I have made it from being 276lbs to now 233lbs. No one else did it but me, and I am just going to keep pushing on. Because that is who I am someone that gets things done not someone that relies on everyone else to pick up the load. 

Thanks for hearing me rant. Here's to a new me being reborn!


About Me
Santee, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2009
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