I gained 4 pounds!

Feb 06, 2012

First time in a year and 3 months that I have stepped on the scale and gained weight from the week before.  I think it is all the snacking I am doing.  I tend to snack at night before bed!  I don't have any sort of junk food in the house, so I will eat some air popped popcorn or a handful of nuts or Kashi cereal and not stop until I go to sleep!  I need to stop eating!

I work out every day and am physically fit for the first time in my life, but the head hunger has come back.  Any suggestions?

My goal this week, lose 6 pounds... I can do it!

This Blog Thing Isn't For me...but here she goes..

Jan 31, 2012

I hate blogging, but just had to update my profile.. I am 14 months out from surgery and down 210 pounds... IMAGINE that!  I went from a size 30 pants to a size 14 in 14 months!!  I feel great.  I work out for 45 minutes to an hour 5 to 6 days a week and on my off days I do things like walk at the beach or go dancing, just so I am moving. 

My love life sucks!  Yes ladies, just because I am now very pretty and a lot thinner, doesn't mean I get positive attention.   Men are assholes.  Especially since I am an Arab Muslim and limited to the men I can marry!  Aww, this is life!

Well, anyone with any questions or comments, hit me up!

Before Surgery

Nov 06, 2010

oh gosh.. only 2 days to go and I am scared.... AHHHH
I have always struggled with my weight.  At 16 years old I was 5'9" and 317 pounds.  I am now 32 years old and still 5'9" but now I am 435 pounds!!! God (Allah) help me!!!

I also suffer from extreme laziness.  Instead of getting up off the couch to go to the store and buy everything I need before my surgery, I am online wasting time..

Well I am going to get off the couch and go to Costco and Trader Joe's... All you all keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2010
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