Taking it by force

Jun 02, 2009

Hello OH Family.. There is a scripture in the bible that says The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. What it means is that in  the kingdom of heaven everything thing that we need comes from there. Things happen in the spiritual first then in the natural here on eatery so If God has given you a healing from obesity in the spiritual realm then its just a matter of time before you see the manifestation of your healing here on earth. The thing is that there is a time and a process from the time God released your blessing from heaven until the time you receive it on earth. Its like the mail system they sent ya check out but now you have to wait to receive it. Now with the mail system anything can happen in the space of the time you are waiting for it. Your package can get delayed damaged or just get delivered to the wrong address now you have to wait longer,. Well its the same way in the spiritual realm. The devil is the thunderstorm that may try to delay your package getting delivered. he may be the one who try and make your blessing be delayed or delivered to the wrong address return to sender. But if you are willing and obedient faithful and persistent you will get that blessing that was sent out. You may have to call the post office a few times and go on line to track the mail . you may have to submit paper work proving that you didn't get the mail yet and then they resend out ya check again .. You will do what ever you have to do to get that money that was sent out to you. well if we can do that how much more should we be faithful and trusting and ;persist ant when God has promised us something.... Here's my story. i have been calling the insurance company and my doctors office about faxing over my binder for approval for my surgery. well each office is blaming the other for the reason the insurance company have not received it. My PCP office is a mess My insurance office is another unorganized mess. they only office that has it together is my surgeons office.. thank God. So I went down there and picked up my folder with my request and my letter of necessity and called my health insurance and faxed it my self straight to  the office of the manager who will be reviewing my case for approval. then I went to church gave my vow to the Lord and i know that I ill be getting a call from them by Friday telling me they have my paperwork and its been approved. In Jesus name. My surgeon says that after I get my approval I can expect to have my surgery 3 weeks after that. Praise God so that means I looking at the end of June. Did all of my testing except my breathing test and en do. i am doing those next week along with my chest xray. i m on my way to the losers side of the bench God is good for he has given me my hearts desire already i am just waiting for the manifestation to show forth and i take that to the bank and cash my check in Jesus name .. Amen


About Me
lauderhill, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2009
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