So close!

May 14, 2009

As of this morning I am SO CLOSE to being officially under 200 pounds. I am fluctuating around it, but I am not going to make it official until I go several days without seeing the number 200.

I did make it though tax season and continued to lose weight. It was a struggle sometimes, especially at night when Paul worked until 1:30 or 2:00 sometimes (ugh). Slippery foods can be my evil friend. I am so glad I made an effort to go to support meetings during tax season. The people are awesome and so supportive and can relate well to the same issues I am dealing with.

My niece, Rachel, is such a great person. She and I have talked a number of times and it is really nice that she also understands my feelings. She encouraged me to call someone when I was going through a rough patch. I still feel uncomfortable picking up the phone to say "I need help, I want to eat." I feel like I would just be bothering someone. Rachel asked me if I it would bother me if someone called me for help, and of course, I wouldn't mind if someone called me. She puts such a good perspective on things.

My daughter, Kristie, is a wonderful support person as well. She is very intuitive and comes up with some excellent ideas. She gave me a book called "My Life List" for Mother's Day ( The purpose of this book is to "give you a place to think about and write down the things you want to accomplish in your life, the places you want to go, and the person you want to become." Now If I can just get the courage/gumption to actually think about this and use this book as it is intended, I think it might be something extremely rewarding.

Posting on a regular basis in not my thing, but I will try to post a little more often!

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About Me
Fort Worth (near Keller/Watauga), TX
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2008
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Lots to update
2 weeks plus 2 days Post-Op
Made it through the surgery!
Nervous about the morning
