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Hello all,
I am new to this site. I am in the process of learning all that I can about WLS. I don't have any serious co-morbidities, but I am miserable. My feet hurt a lot. I am easily winded, fatigued, and feel down. I have this rash thing and get painful blackheads/boils where my thighs create friction. I started reseaching this surgery in 2003 for about 3 months, then decided against it. I am a chicken when it comes to anything medical. I am afraid to open up "Pandora's Box" if I have no other "serious" issues. (I have never had stitches, staples, a broken bone, or any serious injury) I am at my highest weight ever-- 298 # at 5 feet 3 inches. I am also concerned about my fiance. I am sure that my weight is a security blanket for him, but he says he will help me lose the weight. He's a former Marine and was once a stripper, so staying in shape was his thing. I was overweight 5 yrs when we first dated, but since  have packed on the pounds. I tried walking with him but on top of my already aching feet and large heavy legs, he places 7# weights on my ankles and expects me to damn near run. So, I suggested that he get another hobby other than trying to help me lose weight, that way I can walk when and how I want to. He seems ok with this arrangeent but doesn't want me gone "too long". He has concerns about the surgery, rightfully so, but they are not concerns that I can't explain to him. His happiness is important but my health and living long enough to see my son grow up is what is most important to me. I am only 29, but feel like 59.

April 5, 2006-- I had my first meeting with Dr. Burrowes. He was quite impressive. He was very nice, warm, helpful, and answered all of the questions my mother and I had. I felt safe talking to him. It seemed as if he was genuine in his craft. I think that I will go with the Fobi pouch, even though it means that I will have to come out of my pocket... Also, I met a friend on this site (Denecia). She has been a great support. I have not spoken to her since my consultation with Dr. Burrowes, but I do greatly appreciate her a WHOLE bunch!! I have already scheduled my psych eval. and nutritionist appt...all this month. So far things are moving along. I lost 6 pounds on my own.... I am determined not to get to 300, even before the surgery...until next time...

April 17, 2006-- I completed my eval with my nutritionist. Denise Fournerot is great. She's into holistic/organic things. I enjoyed her consult. She is a nurse, who also had a GBRYN by Dr. Burrowes. I decided to choose her because I will be walking in her shoes and she has already stepped out of mine. She turned me on to agave nectar which I love to use in my teas. She gave me so much encouragement and hope. I felt like I had left a very uplifting support group meeting when my consult ended....will update soon.

April 25, 2006 -- I completed my psych eval with Dr. Gary Santavicca. He was quite the character. He reminded me of Rchard Simmons. He spoke so fast that I probably missed half of his conclusion. I was almost afraid that I had bought a car and didn't know it. I simply figured that when he told me that he did not find any reasons for me to mentally not have the surgery, that was the most imprtant thing I heard. So, I'm satisfied. I'm still curious to know if I'm crazy or not. He probably told me and I missed it..LOLOL

May 2, 2006-- Visited a support group in Conyers. I brought a friend with me that is so depressed about her weight that she made me feel ashamed. But after hearing such encouraging news I was uplifted once again.There was a guy there that was 6 months out. He had already lost 220 from his original 550+. I felt so much joy for him. He was warm and sincere and honest about his complications and his day-to-day life. To add a big plus I met my friend there that I met on this site. I finally met the person that has really aided me along. Denecia was there. She was 78 pounds down. She says that she has done good. She too, is an inspiration.

May 6, 2006-- Visited my support group. I enjoyed that. They are preparing for a cruise. Dr. Burrowes' birthday is coming up soon. I wish him the best.

May 23, 2006--WHAT A DISASTER!! My fruit cake PCP had an attitude with me when I asked her to prepare documents needed for my surgery. I brought the checklist from Dr. Burrowes' office. She tooted up her nose and said that she did not want my paperwork, but that she wanted her own set sent directly from Dr. Burrowes' office. I was diagnosed with High blood Pressure that day....seriously. I could not understand why my PCP was being flip. I was wondering why she thought I asked for a referral in the first place. I prepared a letter of medical neccessity outlining all of my medical concerns, effects of my co-mobidities, and stats. All she has to do is write a letter that concurs with what I stated and turn it in. Simple....

May 30, 2006 -- I check with my PCP to see if she has prepared my documents yet. Of course she had not. There was no earthly reason why it had not been done. Dr. Burrowes' office called and wanted to know where I was in the process with my PCP. I called my PCP and she advised me that their office does paperwork on a first come, first served basis. And I was # 6, even tho it's been a week. I was disgusted.

June 3, 2006-- I visited Dr. Burrowes' support group meeting. Amy Williams (from was there. She shared her story and passed out the OH magazine. She was cordial. I also spoke with another speaker there and told him how my PCP was acting towards me. My co-worker, who need WLS also has my same PCP. She told me that our PCP came right out and told her that she does not approve of WLS. I understood now why she was acting flip towards me. The other speaker advised me to find another PCP if I could. Later, I called Denecia and she referred me to her PCP.

June 12, 2006-- Sold other house!!! HOORAY, one less bill to worry about after surgery!!

I was hoping to have the RYN by now....still battling my PCP.
Ms. Katherine  (Dr. Burrowes' office) told me that she was going on vacation. She knew about the problems I was having with my PCP and sympathized with me. She was incredibly patient. She said that she was going to send to BCBS what paperwork she had to see if they would approve it. She figured that it was highly unlikely but she hated for nothing to get done while she was out. I appreciate her for that.

June 23, 2006-- Follow up appt for my high blood pressure. It was 120/60 at triage and 102/58 during my visit. I knew that I didn't have HBP, but it only made my case stronger when I prepare to see my new PCP.  My current PCP has started my paperwork after I harassed her for 3 weeks. What a piece of work!!

My fiancee has had an epiphany... I am doing the surgery with or without him!!! Needless to say, we went shoping for matching recliners at a discount place....2 for $195. He's now excited and keeps rearranging the extra meat on my face and body trying to see what I might look like after WLS and TT....LOL.. I feel like Ms. Potatoe Head...LOL

July 6, 2006-- I was scheduled to have my exam done for my medical clearance letter. I did see my PCP. Once again, she gave me a hard time. I just gave up. I will most definatey go elsewhere. I just hope that the new PCP will not want me to start over. Plus, since it has been 2 months since I have had my psych eval, BCBS is trying not to pay for it and Dr. Santavicca is trying to bill me.

July 13, 2006-- I went to see Dr. Sewell, new PCP. She's was not in the office. I had to self pay $200 for her exam since BCBS only pays for one each 12 months. That's fine. I waited a long time in the office just to hear that Dr. Sewell was not in the office. But I was rescheduled for the next day..whatever.

July 14, 2006-- Spoke with Dr. Sewell. What an angel. She stepped right in and picked up where Coo-coo left off. I bought her all of my paperwork and her office manager prepared what she could without EKG results. I will be getting the EKG done on Monday. She will send out my medcial clearance form next week.

I AM APPROVED...WHAT A MIRACLE. And I still have paperwork to turn in. HALLELUJAH!!!

July 17, 2006-- EKG looks great.  I lost 10#...Now I am a whopping 287#, but I am still 5'3"...Its a go!!

July 18, 2006-- I was formally advised that my surgery was approved by Ms. Monica. She will be calling me back to tell me when my pre-op testing is scheduled. I was just about to walk into the Bodies Exhibition with my son and cell phones are prohibited. Good thing I walk slow...LOL

July 19, 2006-- Pre-op testing to be done on July 25 & 27. Pre-op meeting with Dr. Burrowes scheduled on 8/2. Surgery scheduled for 8/8...just 2 days before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me...

July 25, 2006--THEY TRIED TO KILL  ME...or at least that's what I thought. I went to Atlanta Medical Center to have my first half of the pre-op testing done. I did the upper GI, gall bladder x-ray, chest x-ray, and the lower bowel x-ray (that was the pits, truly). I had to swallow some gross "crystals" that fizzed and popped in my mouth and follow them with water. Just when I felt the need to belch, I was told that I could not do it. I almost died...Then to add to the event, I had to swallow some white extra thick, somewhat chalky substance. I had to do it in "big gulps". I could not eat eight hours before hand, so I was nauseous already. This did not help. I had to get into this machine that x-rayed my insides. I had to roll around in this machine so that the stuff that I drank would flow through my  intestines. And just when I thought that it was all over, I had to drink some thick strawberry flavored goo "quickly" to see the flow. That was the grossest crap I have ever tasted in my life. I found out that I have a haital hernia. Great!! The doctor there said that my reflux is stemming from the hernia. The Tech said that I would have to endure something similar with a nastier tasting substance the day after my surgery to check for leaks. At least the torture didn't take too long. I forgot to mention that they took about 6 vials of blood from the back of my hand. I am glad that's over with. I have to go back on Thursday for more fun and adventure. Hopfeully, it will be less torture.

July 27, 2006-- THEY TRIED TO KILL ME, AGAIN!!!!! I had to go back to Atlanta Medical Center. I did the EKG, ECG, and pulmonary function test. It was all good until I did the PFT. The  tech had to stick this needle into my wrist (deep artery) to get fresh oxygenated blood to see how much oxygen is in my blood. He had to stick me twice. The needle, I know went throught skin, nerves, muscle, and almost bone. I thought I was going to die....Oh boy.
My wrist, of course pained me for the rest of the day. I don't know how I'm going to handle a knife cut... All of the staff at AMC were great and kind. I was lost majority of the time (they did give good directions). Someone always took me where I had to go.. My next step is to pay my surgeon for my fobi and final pre-op consult. I also must meet the anesthesiologist... Wish me luck!!

August 1, 2006 -- Support Group meetng... Very informative. We had guests speakers from the European Body Spa. I wish I had time to get some skin tightening treatments before my surgery.

August 2, 2006-- YIKES!!! I have completed ny pre-op consult. I have good news and bad news. First, the bad news. I have gallbladder stones. So, in addition to having the hernia repaired, I have to have my gallbladder removed, plus WLS. I hope this doen't prolong the recovery. The good news is, all is done with one surgery and one cut. I am so elated about that. I think that I am ready. I got a little spooked when I read and signed all of the papers the doc requires for surgery. I knew of all of the side effects and possibilities of death and damage. But when I saw it on page after page of these papers I had to sign I got a little weary. All I can do is hope and PRAY that everything will come out ok and be just fine.  The anesthesiologist was very handsome and nice. He explained everything to me in layman's terms. I am glad he will be putting me under. I received this list and prescription of items needed prior to surgery. This includes: 2 different antibiotics, magnesium citrate (yummy),  fleet enema (yikes), and some soap that will turn everything that I touch yellow, including my skin. This is all to be done the day prior to going in to surgery. I could not get any volunteers for the enema, so I guess I'll be doing it myself....
Well, that's it until something else facinating happen, and I am sure it will. BE HEALTHY........

August 6, 2006 -- I could not decide what I wanted my "last meal" to be. My fiance said that he wanted some mexican food from Taco Cabana. It's a place that we have frequented off and on over the years. It's one of the first places we went when we first started dating. I felt that since he too, is in this thing with me, then we should go where he would like to go. It was nice. I got a little tipsy, even though I had another stop to make. For once, this surgery wasn't totally about me. I am so grateful that my fiance is so patient and gentle with me. Take care, until next time.....

August 7, 2006 -- Well, its surgery prep day. And once again I am a guinea pig, for a lack of a better word. I had to start this process at about 4 pm. Here it is:
--No food after 4pm. Get in 6 glasses of water before midnight.
--4pm -5pm >fleet enema (ewwwww) that was an experience
--5pm> 8oz Magnesium Citrate (grape flavored not too bad)
--630pm--until> frequent dates with the porcelain goddess
--8pm-- shower
--9pm-- begin taking 8 antibiotics; 1 every 15 minutes
NOTE: I must still be on time for my dates with the porcelain      goddess or else!!  I have to report to the hospital at 7 am. Mr. Mlitary (fiance) will probably have me there at 4 am.  LOL!!!

August 8, 2006 -- My big surgery day!!! Yes, I am scared to death!!
Well, I arrived at 6:30 am, 30 minutes earlier than needed. I sat and waited to be processed in. About 7:15 am, I received an armband. And then a room about 10 minutes later. My mother and fiance were there. We talked and played PSP2 games and waited. Finally, my nurse came in and started my iv line and made sure we were comfortable. She said tha I was next to go into surgery and if all went well with the first one, I'd be in by 9:15 am. Well, they came and got me at about 10:20 am and took me into this room. I kissed my mother and fiance goodbye as they rolled me in. They went to eat and returned to the waiting room. I spoke with the anesthesiologist and his anesthesist and they wanted to make sure I was ok. After about an hour or so, I became a little antsy and wanted to leave. I told the OR nurse that I was about to get ready to go home and that I had changed my mind. She was like, "Oh, really? Well, let me give you some of this gooood stuff and see how you feel". Well, that did it. I smiled even as they wheeled me into the OR. I don't een remember getting onto the operating table.
When i woke up, I was in my room (I think). I remember grunting to my mom and fiance and that was all she wrote. I did feel someone putting the morphine pump button in my hand. An angel told me to push it if I were in pain, so I did...
I woke up later to find tubes in my nose and a catheter (how did that get there?) Anyways, my family was there. My fiance was so proud of me and told me that he loved me. I was in bliss. I felt a little pain, but I didn't know that I had a nifty little pain bubble attached directly to the incision, so after it kicked in I felt nothing. I received pain meds in my iv, pain bubble, and morphine pump. I was expecting to be screaming out in agony. I thought I would have to go back down to the I testing place to get that yucky leakage test. But my surgeon does his leakage test in the OR. I love Dr. Burrowes for saving me the agony. 

August 10, 2006-- I am 30!! Happy Birthday to me. Everyone came to the hospital. My son gave me a really nice purse for my birthday. I had a bag of nice gifts and cards. Everyone called and wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I can officially go to the 30-and-up clubs now...Dr. Burrowes and Joys (my angel) came to check on me. Nurse Welch is the sweetest, most encouraging nurse in the world. She made sure that I go up and walked. I did 2 laps on my hospital floor.

August 11, 2006-- I get to go home. I am happy, but scared. No more morphine pumps or nurses that are just a button push away. I think that I will be ok. I have to keep working on this breathing thing, which hurts due to my diaphragm being cut, but I am strong. My son, mother and father come to get me. I think that I am ready to relax at home.

August 13, 2006 -- I AM DYING!! I called my angel. I told her that I thought that I had a blood clot (I don't know who died and gave me a Ph.D.) My shoulder was hurting me everytime I inhaled. It was a sharp pain in my left shoulder and it got increasingly worse. I then started to feel sick to my stomach. The liquid pain meds are
too strong to take on just broth. I am a tad nervous. She told me that she would call Dr. Burrowes to see what he says.... Well, off to the ER for me. My nutcase father took the bumpiest roads to the hospital that he could find. My insides are screaming for help!! I am trying to hold them together, but each bump makes me want to just pass out and hope it will be all over when I wake up. My son is so worried. I never knew a 4 year old could worry so much. I was wheeled in by a nurse who thought that I was having baby and hit the big hump into the ER entrance. I yelled!!!! She was appologetic. I told her that I had just had surgery and was very tender. I think that bump made me see stars. I told her that it was ok, with the little bit of breath I had left in me. My shoulder began to fill worse. I was placed inside a room. I was give morphine 2 which did absolutely nothing to numb the pain in my shoulder. It did help to make my insides feel alright. About 20 minutes later, I asked if I could receive some more morphine. I received another dose of morphine 2 which did nothing. The nurse came in and drew blood which took her 20 minutes because my veins were not very cooperative at the moment. By this time I needed more morphine. The doctor came in and gave me morphine 5. This took the edge off of the pain that I was feeling in my shoulder, but I was still uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the lab "lost" my bloodwork which I needed before the CAT scan. I have 3 nurses stressed out and sticking me 5 more times in order to get more blood. The
morephine made me not care, but my shoulder pain was returning with full force, sharper than ever. All I could do is cry. I could not move. I could not talk. All I could do is cry. My mother began to cry too. She said that she just wanted mt to stop hurting and wanted somebody to help me. When I could finally speak, I asked the nurses to get the doctor. I think that I was a tad bit delirious, but I told him to let me sighn the papers. He asked me "What papers?" I told him the papers to cut off my arm. I told him that I was right handed and could live without this left arm and that I could just go home. He was startled and asked me if I was hurting that badly. ALl I could do was shake my head. He called the labs and asked for my results stat and they rushed me to CAT scan. Since I have had surgery, I hjad been in a reclining position the whole time. They were trying to get me to lay down flat. I thought that I would die. The tech helped me onto the CAT scan table and I was sitting up. He told me that I had to lay down. I was just crying like a big ol' baby. I kept telling him that I could not do it. He said that I had to try. So, I leaned back slowly and my legs popped up in the air. The pushed my legs back down, then I sat right back up. Looking back it was quite comical. He eventually got me to lay flat. I thought my insides were coming apart and that I was definately going to rip something. Finally, the tech tells me that he is going to inject me with som dye. He told me that it will feel warm even down to my clitoris---that was the truth. Then he LIED!! He told me that I was going to feel some slight discomfort..WHAT THE H*LL!!! I felt hot needles go throughout my entire body, including my eyeballs. I called Jesus, the Lord, the Holy Spirit, Easter Bunny, and who ever else was on duty with miracles that day. He then chased it with some saline solution which hurt even worse. I just closed my eyes. I think that he gave me some bresthing instructions, but I don't remember. All I could think about was the fact that the dye and saline hurt so bad that I think that my shoulder was healed!! Well, the tech said that my surgery looked beautifula nd he could not believe that I had had surgery 5 days prior. I wanted to slap the taste out of his mouth for lying, but I didn't have the strength. Well, Dr.Z. came back to the room in the ER. He told me that nothing was wrong with my Fobi, hernia repair, or gallbladder removal. He said that I had some fluid in my lungs and that I needed to work on the breathing machine more often. He also said that instead of my diaphragm hurting at the site where it was cut, I was expereicing a pain transfer. This is why my shoulder was hurting. He said that is is a strange, but common thing and that there were no blood clots to be afraid of. He did give me some painkillers that were not as strong as what my doctor gave me and that was fine with me.

February 14, 2007--- I got MARRIED. I finally married my boyfriend of 6 1/2 years, Tony!!

March 3, 2007 -- I should be shot for neglecting my posts. Life is GOOD. I never thought that I deserved this type of happiness. I don't think that it's the bliss of being married, but that all things, so far, have come together. For one, thing, I am happy in my own skin. I need a nip/tuck job for sure, but I am motivated enough to search for another job and try harder to get a promotion at my current job. I feel and carry myself so confidently. I thought that I was confident before losing 85 pounds (currently at 213), but it was the fact that confidece was expected of me, so I performed. Now, I wake up feeling lighter, beautiful, full of hope, life, and energy. Sure, I have had my moments becoming acquainted with the new me (inside & out), but the transition has been smooth with the help of all that have been cheering me on. Even they had doubts at first, but never held me back. They were just being loving and concerned. I thank them for that. I know that my journey is far from being done, but I am delighted that I chose life. Some that looked down on me for recognizing my obesity and doing something about it, who are obese themselves, are now coming to me in confidence asking me questions. I answer them with a smile on my face. The angel on my right shoulder prevails, even though the devil on my left shoulder is tempted to give them a few choice words. I guess it is because I feel better, look better, and am a walking testimony, I can say what is right to them. I do encourage those who are thinking about surgery. I try to be more objective by telling them about this site and advising them to go to support group meetings. I try to tell them to do their own research, as I did for 3 years. But... I do feel great and wish everyone the best...until next time...


About Me
Conley, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1
