31 DOWN, 41 TO GO!

Sep 28, 2008

I've now lost 31 pounds and have 41 to go. Almost half way to my goal weight.

Finally Losing Again!

Sep 13, 2008

I have been at a stand-still since I started eating. People said you would go through a plateau and not lose any but eventually you would start again. I stepped on the scale this morning and have lost 1 pound. Hurray! I hope the "losing streak" is returning. I feel great.

Gained 2 Pounds

Aug 30, 2008

I just started eating last Friday and by today, one week later, I've gained 2 pounds! I can only eat about 2 ounces. I've been eating mostly chicken but I have been drinking sweetened tea instead of unsweetened. I'm not going to go through surgery and changes and then gain weight back after 4 weeks because of drinking sweet tea! I've got to study the eating charts closer this weekend.

I Can Eat Again!!

Aug 24, 2008

I had my 3-week checkup with Dr. DeMaria, the psychiatrist and the nutritionist last Friday, Aug. 22. I have now graduated to soft foods. I stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home and ate some mashed potatoes and tried a small piece of grilled chicken tenderloin. I can only eat a tiny bit and feel full. I'm going to have to get used to my small pouch and the way it makes me feel when I put in food.

I've lost 24 pounds now, 2 days shy of 3 weeks. Everybody can tell it on me!! My clothes are too big. A friend at work, Martha, also had a gastric bypass. She is bringing me some of her pants to work tomorrow. I don't want to buy clothes because I'm losing so quickly they won't fit for very long. I did go to a big sale at Belk's a buy 2 shirts that were on sale for like $7 each instead of $28. You can wear shirts a lot longer than pants though. I'm down to a size XL in the regular sizes or 16/18. Before surgery I shopped in the Women's Plus Sizes, 2X or 20-22.

2 Weeks Post Op and Back to School (Work)

Aug 19, 2008

Today makes 2 weeks since surgery. I went back to work yesterday. I should have came home earlier because I overdid it. My ribs hurt so bad that I took a pain pill and went straight to bed. Today I came home at 2:45 instead of staying until 4:30 and I mostly stayed at my desk, but I still had to lie down when I got home. It's a little soon to get back into the full swing of work. Especially since I've been off for the summer and then returning when you've had surgery only 12 days earlier is a little much. BTW, I work at an elementary school as a secretary.

Anyway, I'm doing well. I've lost 18 lbs.

Japanese Soup

Aug 16, 2008

I went to my favorite Japanese restaurant last night to get a bowl of their wonderful soup. We have been eating there every Friday night for the past few years and got to know the owner's wife pretty good. She gave me the stuff to make my own soup at home. I just tried it. Phewwwyyy! I can't do it! She didn't know quantities. She just gave me a gob of this and a gob of that and said "You twy. Make you own. Add salt. Twy little bit at time till you taste." Well, I've "add little bit at time till I taste" and it tastes like crap! I'm gonna try again, I guess, because I'm getting so sick of the same stuff, hour after hour. I need more!!!

Oh, BTW, I'm down to 183 this morning!

Okay, Today the liquids really got to me!

Aug 14, 2008

Today I'm so HUNGRY! My family keeps eating stuff that smells soooo good, even though I don't even like it! Like broccoli and cheese... I've NEVER liked broccoli & cheese! What's up with that?

My 3-week appt. is scheduled for next Friday, August 22nd. I'll go to group psych/nutritionist at 10 a.m. and then to see Dr. DeMaria at 11:30. Then, I'll be able to find some soft foods right around there somewhere!!! Durham's lunch crowd better make room!!

Phase Two isn't so bad!

Aug 10, 2008

Phase Two liquid diet isn't really all that bad! I'm drinking my protein shakes (SlimFast Protein, Ensure Choc, Van & Straw), water, diet instant tea with lemon, baby apple juice, sugar-free popsicles sugar-free jello, etc. It has been 6 days with 25 to go on the liquids. The one thing you DON'T want to do is watch TV with commercials. That's what will want you to forget the whole thing and make a reservation to go Outback! I don't even LIKE steak OR shrimp! It just looks SO GOOD! Anyway, just don't look at the commercials and you'll be fine!!!

I've lost weight already!

I'm Home

Aug 08, 2008

It's Friday, August 8th and I just got into the house at 7:30 pm. I had a couple of complications: my white blood count went too high and my oxygen level stayed too low. They would'nt let me leave the hospital until everything stabilized. I'm really glad they did but at the same time I didn't expect to be in the hospital 4 days! OMG! I'm pretty tired and and will be going to bed as soon as I get off here. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. The only real pain is from the air that was pumped into my stomach during the procedure. I'm having a hard time getting it out. I've been burping and passing gas like crazy but it still hurts mostly around my ribs and up into my shoulders. A lot of that is probably being in bed for 4 days too! LOL!! Anyway, that part's over and I'm moving forward. It's stage 2 foods for me for the next 3 weeks!

Tomorrow is the big day!

Aug 04, 2008

Today I've been doing the full liquid diet and had to drink that nasty stuff to "cleanse" to colon (Yuk!) Tomorrow is the big day! I have to leave at 6 a.m. in order to be at the hospital at 10 a.m. My surgery time is 12 noon. I expect by this time tomorrow evening I'll be up walking around.  I'm excited about getting this done and getting back home. This will be my last post until then!

About Me
Holden Beach, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2008
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Friends 8

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Back From The Cruise
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Half Way!!!
