Starting Phase One

Jul 27, 2008

I went to see my doctors, dietician and psychiatrist at Duke WLS last Friday, 7/25/08. Tomorrow, 7/28/08, I will offically start phase one and will be going on a high protein, low-fat diet to start the cleansing process and to shrink my liver. My surgery date is next Tuesday, August 5th. I can't wait.

Serious Decision

Jul 20, 2008

After much thought, talk and research I've decided to have weight loss surgery (WLS). My doctor says I'll be able to come off most of the medications I take each day. Over the years since my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism I have gained lots of weight. I've also developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, an acid reflux problem, am a borderline diabetic, have Restless Leg Syndrome, sleep apnea, plantar faciitis, depression and finally fibromyalgia (a biggie). I spent $253 at CVS last week for medication for the month and that didn't include 2 of them. I also have to take 3 different over-the-counter drugs every day. I take more medicine than my grandma used to take and I'm still fairly young! Well, I think I am. Anyway, most people don't know all that about me.

I decided to go with Duke WLS. They have an excellent record with surgeries. That's all they do is gastric bypasses and the lap band. I wanted someone who specialized and focused on only that. They have done thousands of surgeries and have a great track record with complications. When you start researching and talking to people you'll hear all kinds of horror stories about people who had the surgery and then had severe complications, or someone who's best friend's sister's mother-in-law's great aunt who had it and died. I know that's a small possibility. There's that possiblility with any surgery you have.

I went to the classes back in August of 2007. It took me until December to make an appointment. My first actual visit was last February. There are tons of tests you have to get done before they'll consider you for surgery. Lots of bloodwork, medical history to be gathered, etc. I had to see a dietician and psychiatrist. I'll have to continue to see these two for a year after the surgery.

I met my surgeon on Friday, July 11th, in Durham. Then this Friday, July 25th, I'll have an all day visit with the dietician and psychiatrist. My surgery date is finally set for August 5, 2008. I have to go back to work August 18th so I'm kind of pushing it as far as getting back to normal before going to work. They want you to have a 3-week recovery period.

I'll blog about the progress. Keep me in your prayers.

About Me
Holden Beach, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2008
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