Weight loss

Jan 11, 2010

I watched the saddest story yesterday on the Health channel. It was the one ton teen. There were three young teens in the story. Two just did not care that they had the Bariatric surgery and did what they wanted to. The other young gentleman died before he could get any type of help. He got pneumonia and had fluid on his heart and lungs. No one understands what an obese person goes through. My husband said that is crazy for some one to let themselves get like this. Not understanding that it is an illness his own wife struggled and still struggles with. I have and will always have an obsession with food. If I could now I would still be pigging out. I would still be eating what I want. Thank God for the surgery that changed all that. Even though they are close to us our families still do not understand our illness or obsession. That is why we have to be there for each other and support each other because we are the only ones that understand. It is like the 12 step program for AA. You have to take it one step at a time. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I am now under 200 pounds and I am not going crazy yet. I could gain 5 pounds back with all my water that I seem to hold in.


About Me
Akron, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2009
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