
Oct 16, 2006

Well today is 6 weeks since my WLS. All of my pain / incision problems have gone away. Eating is much better. I am eating just about anything that I wish. Some of the meats are a bit tough to digest, but my Nut said that this would happen, so I will just wait a little bit and see. I am finally getting in my water and protein most days. As of today, I am 38 pounds down. I did have a plateau for almost 3 weeks in there, but as of this weekend (when my monthly friend came to visit), I finally started to lose again. I think if I could get back to excersising daily, it would just get better, too.


Oct 16, 2006

Well, yesterday was my 3 week anniversary of surgery. I have to say that I still am not that thrilled with how things are going. I have 1 incision that looks to be getting an infection and 1 incision that looks ok, but feels like it has pin stuck in it or something. Painwise, I am doing ok - moving around fine. Food wise, I don't feel that great. I still am not managing to get in the full 50 gr of protein and 64 oz of water (close, but not quite there). I have been trying protein shake after protein shake and so far they have all made me gag. I finally made my own with milk, yogurt, powdered milk and some fruit but even that makes me want to yak these last few days. I hope this feeling goes away. I thought it might be that I was trying to much, too fast - but today even a scrambled egg made me feel icky. Oh well, I am sure it is just something to get through. I have to keep reminding myself that it's only been 3 weeks since i had a major surgery.


Oct 16, 2006

Well, I did it - I am Post Op. Had surgery last Wed, 12/14 and was home on Fri 12/16. First couple of days were rough. The stuff you drink for the swallow/leak test made me SICK and then the gas that they use in the surgery caused a lot of pain. I think that I have worked all that stuff out of my system, so I am feeling pretty good. Even came back to work today (Tues), less than a week later and before I was scheduled. Got sick of sitting at home!! Still having issues getting the amount of protein/water in, but it gets better every day - so I have high hopes that by the end of the week, I will be adjusted. The first couple of days I had the miserable 'why did I do this' kind of feeling, but that has already passed


Oct 16, 2006

Just a quick update. Had our support group meeting last night and met another lady who is having surgery the day before me. It was nice because after the meeting her and I were talking and Chris, the PA, came up and answered a bunch of our questions. Nice one on one.. Finished buying all my things I will need while at the hospital and after coming home. This weekend is my son's 4th birthday party (Birthday is actually 12/22 but we are having it early this year so he can enjoy it more!), so that will be fun/stressful!


Oct 16, 2006

Had my pre-op appointment today with the PA that works with the surgeon's. Talked to him for a while and answered a bunch of questions. Met with the office coordinator and answered a bunch of questions, met with a nurse and Yup, answered a bunch of questions. Then, got to go down to admitting and 'answer a bunch of questions'... I know you can tell the pattern now.. I also had blood drawn (8 tubes!! the bloodsuckers) and got my official pre-op picture taken (YUCK). But, I am now done and next stop is surgery in exactly 2 weeks. I am getting really nervous. Trying not to think about the actual surgery (pain, etc.). Thinking more about the eating and stuff afterwards and feeling nervous about that. Just have to keep telling myself that I'll be fine - i've done so much research, etc. that I know what to expect.. Well, until next time - when I'll be a LOSER!!


Oct 16, 2006

Well, today is exactly 4 weeks until my surgery. I am starting to feel all the nervous things that are associated with this. A lot of nerves about the actual surgery, am I ready for how I will eat afterwards, etc. I did change my pre-op from 11/25 (day after thanksgiving) to 11/30, but other than that have just been in a holding pattern. Reading a lot of profiles on here and trying to be active in our local support group.


Oct 16, 2006

Met with the nutrionist today for my pre-op with her. Got a binder with a lot of information about what to eat and recipes and it is divided by how far out you are. Pretty helpful. I also got to do a body composition test and a medgem test to see what my metabolism is. They will redo those at my post-op appts to see how I am doing. So, next I have my surgical pre-ops on 11/25 and then surgery on 12/14. 48 days to go!!


Oct 16, 2006

I got the results of my psych test yesterday and I am Normal!! Ha, shocked my DH.. The only thing thing she said that were high were the obvious body image categories which make sense since that is why I am there. The only other thing I was slightly higher in was a category that she said means that I like things neat, tidy, in a specific order, etc. I laughed and told her my DH calls that Anal retentiveness. She thought that was a good name for the category. So, she had no real recommendations for me other than to see the nutritionist - which is something that is included in the follow up after surgery for everyone.. So, pre-ops next week and then surgery in less than 8 weeks!!


Oct 16, 2006

Well, I took my MMPI test last week. 570 or so True/False questions. Some of the questions were like, "I see dead people".. Made me feel very, very sane. I have another appointment with the psych on 10/19, then pre-ops on 10/27. Tonight we have our local support group meeting. I am very excited as I haven't been able to go yet..


Oct 16, 2006

Had my first appt with the psychiatrist today. Asked me a lot of questions and said that I could probably use stress management classes. Well duh!! So, next step is to go in the next week or so and do the MMPI test, then meet with her again to go over the results in about a month and she will then tell me what else she recommends. Still plenty of time before surgery, so she said that there won't be any problems..

About Me
La Crosse, WI
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2005
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