
Oct 16, 2006

Guess what? I got a call today and they scheduled my surgery!! I could have scheduled it as soon as October, but asked to wait until Dec because my DH goes to school and will be off by then and more able to help. So, my date is 12/14/05. I had another appt with the nutritionist the other day and she seemed so impressed by what I have learned and what I have done so far to improve my diet that she said that I don't have to have any other appts with her except the normal pre-op. I have my psych eval next Tuesday and then pre-ops starting end of October


Oct 16, 2006

Oh my God !!!!! I received a letter today from my insurance company that I AM APPROVED!!!! No stipulations or anything. My appt was on 8/1 with the doctor and the letter from insurance was dated 8/4. I almost feel guilty that it was so easy. Now, I just have to wait for the coordinator to call me to schedule my surgery. I also have appts scheduled for another mtg with the nutritionist and my psych eval. Fun, Fun


Oct 16, 2006

Had my first appt today. Met with Dietician, Physician Assistant for the program and the Surgeon. The meeting with the Dietician was very depressing. She seemed very critical and didn't seem like she thought I should get to have the surgery because of my eating habits. I don't have the best all around nutrition, but I do a lot better than most people I know. So, then I met with the Physician Assistant and he seemed very critical and like he thought I didn't have any serious co-morbidities so I should not do something this drastic. Trying to express that while I don't have any documented, I am well on my way to getting them (HBP, joint pain, etc.). So, then I met with the surgeon, Dr. Baker, and I LOVED him. He was so positive and thought that this would be a good thing and that I would do well with it. He said that he would be sending a letter to my insurance company and we could proceed from there. So, now I just have to meet with nutritional services monthly and have a psych eval done. I would prefer to have this done in Mid-December when my DH is on break from school and the surgeon said that is possible. So, what seemed very depressing ended up being very good! I made the appts for the nutrition meeting and the Psych eval for Sept


Oct 16, 2006

Well, still waiting for my initial appointment with the surgeon. It is all I can think about these days. I am constantly looking at clothes that are smaller and dreaming about wearing them some day!! Well, let me start and tell something about myself. I am currently 32 years old. I work full-time at the hospital that I am going through for my surgery. I have a husband (who also works at the hospital and is going to school) and 2 boys - ages 6 and 3. We are going to be going to South Dakota (Mt Rushmore area) for vacation and I am just dreading it. Getting into a swimsuit and having to walk all day, UGH!! I was trying to explain some of how I feel lately to my husband and he doesn't get it. He thinks - just start excersising. He recently lost almost 70 lbs. just by giving up all fat and a lot of carbs and excersising every day - it was so easy for him. I tried to follow it at the same time and quit after about 3 months (then of course gained it all back + 20 lbs). I am still really nervous about having to have surgery to do this, but we have a really good support system in my town. Besides the hospital stuff, we have a local group that seems really close. So,that helps a lot. Especially because I don't see my husband being really supportive. He just sees the stats for the death rate and thinks "NO WAY!". I am trying to get him more information, so he will come around. He is very old fashioned, but usually once he sees something is important to me, he will change his feelings (just cause he loves me so much!!). I did finally tell my mother and sister (my only close relatives on my side) and they were scared for me but really a lot more supportive than I expected. So, that was a good feeling. I have told a couple of close co-workers, but other than that have pretty much kept it mum. I will tell my in-laws (who are great and I think will be really supportive) when I actually get approved and get a surgery date. I can't wait to get my first appointment over with, then I will know if the surgeon approves me. I don't think I need to worry about insurance too much - my insurance is through my employer and a ton of co-workers have had this done already.


Oct 16, 2006

I have been thinking about this surgery and getting information on it for about a year now, but I am just starting the process. I have my first appt scheduled with the surgeon/psych/nutritionist on 8/1/05. After that appt, if they approve you, then you move onto the stage for insurance approval. I have several friends who have gone through this so I am fairly certain that I know what I need to do and what I will be going through.




About Me
La Crosse, WI
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2005
Member Since

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