
May 23, 2010

I am down 135 lbs. since October 21st, 2009 and am feeling GREAT!
I celebrated my 40th birthday May 21st!
I am needing 2 out-patient surgeries in the very near future: one is to remove a small mass of Endo. left in me from my full hyst. 10-11 years ago! Go figure that one out!
Then I am hoping to have my right knee scoped and cleaned out under the knee cap.

Clothing size changes
Tops: 3x (30-32) down to 18/20
Pants/Jeans: 28 to 18 but could prolly benefit with 16's already!
Bra: 48DD down to 42DD, but looking like I could go to a 40DD or 40D.


Apr 01, 2010

I am down 115 lbs. so that puts me at 255 and now can wear a size 18 in jeans/pants, but they are a tad snug but not bad!  I am down 10 pant/jean sizes, 6 in bra and about 8-10 in tops too!  Can't wait to hit my goal of 170!!!


Mar 01, 2010

I had a busy day yesterday and then went to go and work-out and decided to weight myself...... ONE pound shy of 100!!!! Couldn't I just get that extra pound anyway? LOL

Also, made another attempt at eating eggs (scrambled) last night and...... NO PROBLEM!!!! They set WONDERFUL!!!!

I see Ortho Dr. this AM for the knee!  I hope I get scheduled very soon for a new one!!!!


3 Month Check-up

Jan 12, 2010

I had my 3 month check up yesterday with the Dr's PA and everything looks good and I am trying now to work out 5 days a week which includes walking 1/2 to 1 mile (indoor track), cardio, weights & presses.

My blood work came back really good, BP was slightly elevated yesterday but am wondering if it was due to me coming from the gym to the Dr.

I can reduce my extra Vitamin D and I don't need the Prilosec, only if I have tummy troubles.  My potassium was a bit low and I was given a list of foods that are high in potassium to try to eat.

I do need to EAT more and not be so dependant on the liquid proteins.  I told her that I felt I am one of those that are taking longer to adjust and so forth.  I can only consume just under a half cup of chili (Dr. said that was fine too), a side of refried beans is a double meal for me, and I have never been a fish fan, and am also starting to eat a little chicken (canned chicken smells like cat food! YUCK!) I do eat a baked potatoe and only use light sour cream and/or maybe some cheese and spray butter, but I do not eat the skin, just to be on the safe side of things.  3 of the frozen meatballs make me full... plus I am not really all of that hungry and my liquids tend to fill me up and keep me full.  I did start eating the 10g protein South Beach bars... and I do not really sit down and eat with my family because I am unable to eat what I make/cook them, but that is fine for me - I guess not as much for the Dr. 

So, that's about it for now, hope everyone else is doing well!
1 comment

300..... GONE FOREVER!!!

Jan 09, 2010

You heard me! No more being over 300!!! YEAH ME!!!!


Dec 22, 2009

I am about 10 pounds from my first goal which is soon to end... New Year's! I hope I can make it!  My next goal will be to drop 100 pounds from Jan. to May and work out a good 5 days per week.   I do need to figure in a set back because I will be looking at getting my right knee replaced. Since the RNY and being more active and working out 3-4 days a week, it hurts twice as much now as it did before :o( I litterally have bone grinding on bone as well :o(

I am down 4 pant/jean sizes but have yet to get some smaller sized jeans.  I will prolly shop on Ebay because I am picky about my jeans and do not want to buy new jeans yet ;p


Long time no hear...

Dec 18, 2009

I know it's been awhile since I have posted... I am down 57 pounds and am a bit dissappointed because I thought I would have at least dropped a good 5 lbs., but it was only 2 this last week.  Also, I am 2 months out from surgery and down 4 pants sizes, but still wearing my size 28 jeans! LOL  They are extremely baggy, to the point they are almost falling off me!
I am going to buy some off of Ebay - Venezia Easy Fit jeans, because I really like those and they do not sell those at Lane Bryant anymore and also they do not have the stretch denim! I HATE STRETCH DENIM! LOL So yeah, I will need ot buy some used jeans and that is perfectly fine.

I had my Phase 4 Nut. class yesterday and that went well, but I am still dependant on my liquid proteins for the most part.  I guess I am still one of those individuals whose body/system is taking its sweet time with things! LOL

Most of my Christmas shopping is done, will get the rest done last minute of course and hoping to get tree up this weekend.  My baby turns 13 on New Year's Eve and he's been growing like a darn weed too! He is almost as tall as I am!

I been trying to work out 3-4 days a week and hope to be going at least 5 days a week after the holidays and get more protein down me! 

I am so close to meeting my first goal I had set for myself prior to surgery and that was to lose 70 lbs. by New Years.
My next goal will to lose 100 lbs. by my birthday in May! Then I will have 30 lbs to go!

That's all for now, Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year too!

It's been HELL lately!

Nov 22, 2009

Monday, Nov. 16th, one of my incisions got infected and this was due to it not healing properly and here the staples were already out for awhile.... Tuesday, the 17th, Dr. put me on Bactrim and within 2 days it was making me ache all over and vomit alot. Thursday, I was switched to Cleocin and those too are somewhat of a bother, but I am making sure to drink LOTS of water/liquids!  Last night (Sat.), after I got home from going out with my sister and her friends, I took a pill and didn't have too much water and the sucker like broke open too soon and that made me so ill!  Because of this infection and the problems with the first antibiotic, I was put back to Phase 2 of pretty much liquids.  I been having a HELL of a time even before (Phase 3) of meeting my 60g of protein quota for the day and still right now!  If I start to feel yucky, I can't even drink water w/o it coming back up!  I know it takes about a good 8 weeks to heal up well inside, but am wondering if my new system is just taking its sweet time or what? LOL  I haven't walked in a good week, cuz I have felt so cruddy.  I am one of those people who can barely have but a couple of bites and I am DONE! LOL  On the flip side of things, I am down about 40 lbs. now!  I was weighed last week Tuesday at being 38 down, but am 100% positve that I am down a tad more than that! I go back to see Dr. Tuesday and this incision drainage is very gross!!!!

Just curious if others are or were in the same boat as me with the eating?  I don't want my pouch to get bigger, but after readng the forums it will get a tad bigger and feeling better once it's all healed up. I sure hope so!

Anyways, that's about it for now.... until next time! =]


I am no longer....

Nov 13, 2009

I am no longer 370 pounds.
I am no longer 360 pounds.
I am no longer 350 pounds.
I am no longer 340 pounds.

1 comment

It's a beautiful day!

Oct 28, 2009

I wished I would've done a bit of a walk outside today but still pretty sore.... then my daughter text's me and asks for me to pick her up from school because she has a lot of homework... so I get ready, have a cup in my hand, keys in other and purse and was trying to slip on my sandels and somehow slipped down 2 steps... I think I sprained a couple of fingers, but not bad, but had slammed my back into the corner of the wall or doorframe so I wouldn't turn and go head over heels down the basement steps!
Right now, I am very sore and would loveto be able to pop a muscle relaxer! LOL

About Me
Muskegon, MI
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2003
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