It's been HELL lately!

Nov 22, 2009

Monday, Nov. 16th, one of my incisions got infected and this was due to it not healing properly and here the staples were already out for awhile.... Tuesday, the 17th, Dr. put me on Bactrim and within 2 days it was making me ache all over and vomit alot. Thursday, I was switched to Cleocin and those too are somewhat of a bother, but I am making sure to drink LOTS of water/liquids!  Last night (Sat.), after I got home from going out with my sister and her friends, I took a pill and didn't have too much water and the sucker like broke open too soon and that made me so ill!  Because of this infection and the problems with the first antibiotic, I was put back to Phase 2 of pretty much liquids.  I been having a HELL of a time even before (Phase 3) of meeting my 60g of protein quota for the day and still right now!  If I start to feel yucky, I can't even drink water w/o it coming back up!  I know it takes about a good 8 weeks to heal up well inside, but am wondering if my new system is just taking its sweet time or what? LOL  I haven't walked in a good week, cuz I have felt so cruddy.  I am one of those people who can barely have but a couple of bites and I am DONE! LOL  On the flip side of things, I am down about 40 lbs. now!  I was weighed last week Tuesday at being 38 down, but am 100% positve that I am down a tad more than that! I go back to see Dr. Tuesday and this incision drainage is very gross!!!!

Just curious if others are or were in the same boat as me with the eating?  I don't want my pouch to get bigger, but after readng the forums it will get a tad bigger and feeling better once it's all healed up. I sure hope so!

Anyways, that's about it for now.... until next time! =]


About Me
Muskegon, MI
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2003
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