Hi! I'm a tired mother of 4 boys, ages 12-1. I have been married
15 years, as of 2002. Each year of wedded bliss has added at least 15 pounds to my "size". I can't wait for our new life to start! I say our new life because my boys are really looking forward to helping me. They have already planned a bike trip for all of us and are helping me now get rid of caffeen and pop. We are all going to start eating better and hopefully they won't have a weight problem when they grow up.

I have not told many at work. I did tell my boss and she was unsupportive. I can't quite figure out why but it is MY life and my decision.

I am 9 weeks post-op now and still learning to deal with my stomach. I have lost 49 pounds as of today and have started to like myself again. I still enjoy food, which I think is my problem. I love the flavors so I eat too fast. As I said, I'm still learning. Every day is beautiful and worth waking up for.

Two months post-op and feeling great! I have had a little trouble with certain foods but I'm learning. I'm wanting to start a support group around here in Iowa but not sure how to go about it. I go the doctor today for my two month visit. He wanted me to wait until 3 months but I felt I needed that re-assurance from him that I was doing ok. My scale shows down 56 pounds. I am anxious to see what his says. I'll keep you posted.

January 03 - I'm just over 4 months out and still feel great! I'm down 71 pounds as of today and size 22 pants is loose, well at least very confortable. I have lost 31.5 inches off my body. That is more than my two youngest children combined. Ok they are taller than 31.5 inches but you get the idea. I have a friend at work that meets me after work 3 nights a week at the "gym" and we walk, bike and do weights. I don't like to sweat but I love the way it makes me feel! I have had a couple of minor problems but would do this again in a heatbeat. I feel like I've been reborn.
Talk to you soon!

April 22, 2003 - It is now spring and I feel wonderful! I'm down 96 pounds, by my scale. I went to the store last night to try on pants just to see how far down I could get. I bought size 18 and they are actually comfortable! I was wearing size 22. I knew they were getting quite loose but an 18!! WOW. I haven't been this small since I was pregnant with my first child. That was 12 years ago. I wore my new clothes to work today and someone I hadn't seen in awhile actually called me slim. I told my boss I think we should have him come over more often!
For those of you who are gathering information - let me tell you this. The positives totally outweight the negatives. I want to get a shirt that says I've lost 96 pounds - ask me how! and wear it everywhere! I feel 20 years younger. Thank you Dr. Hardy!!

May 21, 2003 - I'm finally a member of the Century Club - 103 pounds down and never to return. I must say that I love life. I took my youngest kids to a park last night and I, a 38 year old mother of 4, went down a slide. Not just any slide, it was the covered kind that is like a tube. I fit, I had fun! I then went to the swings and held my littlest one and we swung! I'm so ready for summer when I can actually have fun with my kids instead of sitting around. I thank GOD that I have been able to stay complication free. I feel GREAT! I'm even planning a trip to Worlds and Oceans of Fun for this year! Look out - here we come!

October 2003 - I'm finally over my year mark. I'm down to 163 from 307 and feel great!!! I can't wait for Christmas! I am currently wearing size 14. There's nothing like going shopping again. I still wait for the clerk to tell me that their clothes won't fit me. It hasn't happened yet! It feels so good. I'm becoming a shopaholic lately.

December 2003 - I'm down to size 12 in pants and size 8 in underwear. Boy to they look small compared to what i was wearing! I had bought some large sized clothes and had to take them back - they are too big!! After being a 4x for so long I never would have dreamed that a large would be too big!!! On the flip side - the scale hasn't moved in a month but my clothes seem to be fitting better. I guess I'm shifting again. I went to my husband's Holiday party and no one recognized me!! They thought I was crashing the party!! I love everything about the new me. Well, almost everything. I don't really love the sagging skin but I will wait patiently for it too to be gone. Talk to you later! Happy New Year!!!

July 2004
I'm down to 162 and feeling great. I have my plastic surgery date scheduled for September. I can't hardly wait! Finally the person I know is in there will finally be able to be seen. That you WLS for my life!

It is now April 2005 and I have had a Tummy-Tuck/Breast Augumentation and I love life and the new me! Dr. Cherny did a wonderful job with the Plastics and I feel great! I can't wait for summer!!!

July 2005 - Life is so good on the other side. I am up a couple of pounds from my lowest but still in the same clothes. I love the body I have now. My husband kids around that he got a new wife and didn't have to pay the lawyer! He is such a funny man! We are like kids again. Our children love being with me and being seen with me. I like doing stuff with them too. I used to hide in my bedroom; now I am out there for all the world to see. Look out world here I come!!!

September 2005 - Three years since surgery. Wow so much has changed. I love not being tied to food. The trade off between food and thin is so so worth it. Take your vitamins and other suppliments. Very important!!! But oh so so worth it.

About Me
Boone, IA
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2002
Member Since
