Another unfill

Jun 29, 2011

I lost 6 lbs this month and I finally weigh under 300!!!!  I am so excited.  It's been a very long time since I saw the 200's.  Doctor removed some more fluid since I was still having trouble with night time acid reflux.  I hope this fixes the problem, but the unfill doesn't make me want to eat everything in the kitchen.  I've had a total of .7 cc's removed over the past two months.  Hair is still falling out.  I think it may be slowing down a little, but still way more than normal.  My husband even commented that my hair is looking thinner, ugh!!  Next appointment is in 3 weeks since my doctor will be on vacation until the end of August.  My goal is to solve the relux problem and not gain any weight with the unfill.  We will see!!


About Me
Yakima, WA
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2005
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