tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

My wfe and I both had VSG surgery on September 1, 2014.


Here is a photo of me and my family back on Easter in 2014 (April 20, 2014).



tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

One day short of nine months and I hit my goal!

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

Two months to lose two pounds...

But it's started coming off again. The two pounds only actually came off in the last week and a half.

I even resorted to jogging... It's taken about three weeks but it's finally started to work.

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

I haven't lost a pound in two weeks.

I'm going to have to break down and ... exercise. I downloaded the Couch to 5K app today and I'm going out jogging today.

I hate to run... I played football in high school and I was a linema

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 3 months ago


I'm not in the 100's and don't want to be but I have lost 100.5 lbs and I'm and even four pounds from my goal. Surgery morning weight was 319.5 on September 1st and this morning was 219 even.

~happy dance~

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
NSV - I started half way through August at 330 lbs, a size 4XL shirt, and a size 50 pants. I'm down to 231, a XL shirt, and a size 38 pants.

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
As Long as It Takes - The weight loss is getting slower and slower. I lost 12 lbs in the past 30 days. I was hoping to be at my goal by the end of January. I have 18 lbs to go and it doesn't look like ...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
How Long? - My wife and I had surgery on the same day, September 1. I don't seem to be losing any hair but she is like crazy. It's all over the bathroom. It's a shame because I know how women...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
Just Fat - According to the BMI calculator I'm almost just overweight!  I'm at 30.8 right (obese) now and overweight is 29.9. I started with a BMI of 43.5 (extremely obese). Whoever thought ...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
2014? - What are you giving up or leaving behind in 2014? Here's my list: 85% of my Stomach: Good riddance. Diabetes: My wife and I had VSG surgery in Mexico on the same day (September ...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
Post VSG Cheating - Before surgery... snacking was two PB&J sandwiches. Each sandwich had about double to triple the normal amount of peanut butter on it. Post surgery... snacking is half a teaspoon ...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
Not Sure Where I Saw This... - I teach high school and one of our health science teachers asked if I'd be willing to talk about having VSG surgery in January. I saw a post that had a link to an article on one of...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
Not Sure Where I Saw This... - I teach high school and one of our health science teachers asked if I'd be willing to talk about having VSG surgery in January. I saw a post that had a link to an article on one of...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
SV!!! - Today... after three months and three weeks, I weigh less than I did when I started high school. One week out of eighth grade I was weighed for football. I was six feet tall and I...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
Should they Stay or Should They Go? - Ok.... Got all my old clothes in bags in the bedroom floor. I bought cheap Wal-Mart pants until I reach my goal weight (I'm 29 pounds away) but I have bought a few XL button-down...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
Three Month Checkup - I had my three month checkup two weeks.  All the blood work looked good. - Glucose is normal. - Liver is normal. - Vitamin levels good. And I've lost over 70 lbs.   ...but t...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
How to Stop? - December 1st was my three month anniversary. I've lost over 70 lbs since September 1st and I'm down over 80 since I started the Pre-Op diet. I'm about 30 lbs from my goal and I hop...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
NSV - Got up this morning...about to get in the shower and was freezing. Wrapped a towel around me, went tot he other side of the house and turned up the heat. Halfway back when I reali...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
Over a Stall.... I hope - I've been losing weight very slowly lately. It's taken me a week to lose three pounds... really less. The three pounds came off in the last two days. BUT it is coming off! December...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 7 months ago
2 VSG's and 1 SV - At surgery I wore size 50 pants. A few weeks ago I bought 42's. They were tight but the 44's were loose. Now, the 42's are a bit lose! I've already drilled two holes in the leathe...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 7 months ago
2 Months Out - My wife and I had VSG surgery two months ago today. I've lost 52 lbs since surgery and she's down 36 lbs. I'm like 1/8 of a pound away from being half-way to my goal. But the weig...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 7 months ago
Almost... - 3/4 of a pound away from being halfway. Saturday will be two months. I'm hoping to hit it by then. 

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 8 months ago
Health Tracker? - Did anyone else's info disappear? I just went to enter my weight and my little chart on the right was gone and the weight from my last entry was gone. DAMNIT!

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 8 months ago
Back Pain? - Weird question... Can rapid weight loss... like say 50+ pounds in two months... cause back pain? I do photography on the side and my back is killing me. It never did before. Did...

tstowe posted a discussion topic 9 years, 8 months ago
Thank God... - ... I'm not a woman. If my hair falls out, so what...worst comes to worst, I'll shave my head. My clothes sizes are simple. No cryptic sizing charts...and pretty much every pair ...
About Me
Sep 08, 2014
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