Everything is scheduled

Nov 24, 2008

I just scheduled my PET Myocardiogram for Wednesday Dec 3rd. After that is done I should have all of the necessary testing and appointments done. Hopefully after that I will be approved by the insurance and get a date for early January. I can't wait!


Nov 22, 2008

Well, everything is moving along. I spoke with the nurse coordinator assistant last week and got things moving again. I got in yesterday for my echocardiogram, so my last test to be done is the PET Myocardiogram Stress Test. I am supposed to call them on Monday to Schedule that. I have my nutrition class this coming wednesday. My psych eval has been moved up to Dec. 1st. Everything has been moving along very well for me. I am so pleased with everybody at UCD. I was told with everything done Early December, a January surgery should be obtainable. I am really starting to get more and more excited every day and every time I get one more of the requirements out of the way. I am looking forward to a great new beginning in 2009.

Consultation October 10th.

Oct 22, 2008

Well, I finally had my initial consultation. It was a long, yet very informative session. I was given a surgery date of the end of March knowing that if I get all pre-op requirements done sooner they will probably move up the surgery date. With having had all of my labs done by my PCP and the chest x-ray and EKG, and already diagnosed with sleep apnea, there wasn't much left for me to do. I had to have an aterial blood gas test and a complete abdominal ultrasound - got those both out of the way already. I still need to have a stress test and an echocardiogram completed. I only have left the nutrition class and psych consult after that. After those things are done pending good results I hope to schedule my RNY for January 2009. I work in retail management so there is no way I could schedule before January, and my District Manager will support me 100% after the first of the year. This is all becoming so real I can't believe it! I have begun trying protein supplements, and so far no complaints. I WILL do everything I need to for this to be the most successful tool I have ever used. I NEED to become a more healthy and fit person so that I may do all the things I want to do in my life. Yes - there is a very long list!

Complete Physical with my PCP

Sep 12, 2008

I went to my PCP today and had the required physical completed. My doctor found nothing wrong with me and ordered the labs that are required by the surgeon. I am hoping that by having my PCP order these labs I will be just one step further along before I go to my consultation on October 10th. Hopefully all of my labs come back with good news, and I have nothing that holds me up in this process.

Consultation Scheduled

Aug 27, 2008

I received a call today from the new patient coordinator at UCD.  She verified that I had attended the new patient orientation and scheduled me for my first consultation. She said that the consultation would last about four and a half hours! Well, I am looking forward to October 10, 2008.  That afternoon I will attend my first consultation and continue to keep things going between now and then. I can't wait to hear everything that the surgeons have to say.

Went to PCP today

Aug 13, 2008

I went to my PCP today and had my EKG done. Normal!!! He also ordered a chest x-ray and I scheduled a visit for a complete physical. Things are moving along slowly, but I know it can take time. I am trying to take everything in stride, and hope all works out for the best in the long haul.

New Patient Orientation at UC Davis

Aug 05, 2008

My wife, Sara and I attended the new patient orrientation at UC Davis. This was very informative and a great expereince. DR. Fuller was there to explain a lot about the procedure, and he was very strait forward about everything. I found it very interesting that they say most pateients are released from the hospital the very next day. WOW! I knew they got ya goin quickly, but I figured at least a few days in the hospital. We were able to meet a husband and wife couple whom both had GB at UC Davis. They are about 3 yrs post op and look incredible. Niether of them have had any plastic surgery, which is very encouraging to me. I look forward to being able to exercise more, and feel better in doing so. Sara is concerned that it will be difficult after surgery because she can eat whatever and I will be very restricted. She knows that it will be tough, but I know that she will be very supportive and do everything that she can to help me.

About Me
Elk Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2008
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