Uterno has a new goal: Lose 10 pounds 7 years, 1 month ago

Uterno has a new goal: weigh under 200 lbs! 7 years, 1 month ago
Acknowledge and celebrate the progress along the way: every 5 pounds lost, every additional minute spent on the elliptical, being able to wear the clothes from my wardrobe that currently don't fit, etc.

Kathy S. wrote 7 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for registering at ObesityHelp.com. It's time to begin or continue your weight loss journey. You can get started by customizing your personal profile, set some new goals, begin tracking your weight loss, and post on the message boards. If you need some assistance getting started, that is what I am here for. We hope you enjoy your experience here at ObesityHelp.com.
About Me
Jun 15, 2017
Member Since
