Living Wellness

Jul 01, 2010

                         I Live Total Wellness Each Day With Patience and Kindness
                                    CONSTANCY - CONFIDENCE - COMMITMENT

I feel Great today!
One reason I feel great this morning is that I ate 863 calories yesterday after eating 1600 calories the day before. The lower calories really agree with me and I did not have the sensation of fullness but one of satisfaction. Continuing my calorie cycling for this week, today I will eat 1000-1100 calories. I love this eating plan, though it is a 1500 calorie plan, my avg. intake for the last 2 weeks is around 1350 calories. Believe it or not I have been trying to up it; I could easily do that by adding an extra sweet, but I don't want to go that way, I want a sweet to really be a treat for me at the end of my last meal. I also like the fact that I don't eat anything after 8PM unless something comes up. I guess I am Blessed that I am not a snacker or grazer, when I finish my dinner I am done as far as eating, and that helps quit a bit in controlling and maintaining weight. But it's a habit so it can be learned because when I was younger I ate all times of the day and night. I think undergrad and law school changed my eating at night because I had too stay up and study and I found that eating made me sleepy so I would drink a soda or coffee or tea. That is one good habit that I have and shall retain! Talk about "muscle" memory, that's Body memory because I have only re-employed the 8PM rule the last 6 months because I found that going to bed within a couple of hours after I had eaten irritated me, stomach/bowels grawling, feeling of fullness and tossing. So I said, no eating after 8PM and that good old habit kicked right back in! Every little POSITIVE Habit that I add goes toward Living Total Wellness Each Day...Living Wellness is my religion, and that's pretty good when understood that Wellness is MORE than Physical Wellness, Total Wellness encompasses Every aspect of one's Life (Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Financial, Professional, Psychological and Social)it is gracefully evolving me into who I am Created to Be. I am Blessed that GOD has given me a "Plan" as a guide for each area, and for Me the Spiritual and Physical is the Foundation for My Wellness, it all starts there!  ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!


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