Weigh In May 24, 2010

May 26, 2010

New weight 208...40lbs lost!!!!

New Goal: Be a Garden State Roller Derby Girl

I'll be buying skates this weekend, try outs are in October or November, I'll be training until then. I asked my doctor if it was ok. She said I have no restrictions WooHoo!! Its ON!!

I know there is a chance i won't get picked but the bottom line is I AM going to TRY

I also have a second job..uggg right now THAT is killing me. I'm soooo tired all the time. They took my blood to check my vitamin levels. I'll get the results next time I go in.


First Fill

Mar 29, 2010

HOLY COW THAT NEEDLE IS HUGE!!!!!! But thankfully it didn't hurt, my belly is numb for the most part.  The only thing I felt was the doctors feeling around for the port and I'm still kinda sore. The port area is taking the longest to heal but from what I hear, that's to be expected.

I lost another 6lbs since my last visit and I was instructed not to eat anything today, liquids only.  I now weigh 218.5 I'm so excited, I can't wait until I weigh under 200lbs. I can't even remember me ever weighing anything lower than that.... come to think of it, I don't remember when I was 200lbs.  Its a good feeling to have something to look forward to.

They had a hard time finding the port...I'm one of the "difficult" people. GREEEEAAAT!!! I don't know how many times I got poked, but like I said I didn't feel anything really, other than pressure from them feeling around.  The craziest part was when they did find it. I could hear/feel the clicking. So weird. Kinda cool...mostly weird

I tried jogging a little last week too... ran for a whole minute ...hahahaha. I really want to learn to run, I don't know why but I do. I'm also thinking about knocking all the dust of my mountain bike. I've got plans

1 comment

Photo Op

Mar 26, 2010

My first fill is Monday!!!

I should have taken a full body picture next to Alan (my bf), just to compare but I figure I'll just have to work with what I have for now. We are going to a party this weekend. I will try to remember to get and updated photo of me next to him to see the size difference. In the first shot I am standing in front/side of him 1yr ago...the second shot I'm standing next him, I guess you can see it more in my face than anything. But the second shot is exactly one year ago from the first. Well March of last year, I'm not sure of the exact date
March 2001

and for the record feel GREAT!!!!


1 month post-op

Mar 09, 2010

I can't believe its been a month already. Time is flying

I'm down 24lbs total I can't believe it. I'm  healing faster than I thought and I seem to be getting hungry more often. I told the doctor this when i saw him. He said since the swelling is going down, its going to happen. I'm scheduled for my first fill in 3wks. I can start a normal workout this weekend and I can start trying to eat normal food. No more mushy or moist.  I also have to have some blood work to make sure I'm not dehydrated or developing any vitamin deficiencies.

I'm so excited. I'm actually looking forward to summer this year

My food demon is chinese food I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. *sigh* I figure once I can eat, I'll stick to just veggies IF and only IF I give in to my cravings. I'm trying not to but I'm sure I will LoL

Candy was another big thing for me... My friend Jackie is a vegan and she eats Mamba candies, reminds of taffy/starbursts. Also, Go Naturally Organic hard candies, I tried Pomegranate and Apple, only 15 calories a piece.  I am hooked on the Apple flavor.


1 week post-op

Feb 17, 2010

So its been a week since my surgery and I feel good. I get tired and weak really quickly while I'm walking around but over all I'm doing really well.

The first 2 days were the worst. I was soooo uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep.  Instead of having the gas pain in my shoulders like most people experienced ( I did too but very very little in my right shoulder) the gas traveled up my spine, which made sleep nearly impossible.

Not to be gross, but i didn't pass gas until the 3erd or 4th day. I experienced some nausea the first day, when i tried to sit up but I haven't since. I noticed i do get slightly nauseous when I'm hungry, but it fades quickly. Thank god.

I have 1 more week of fluids only, I am absolutely sick of broth, but who wouldn't be. I can't wait until this week is over. On the bright-side I'm not hungry. The only time I do get hungry is when I smell food cooking. Thankfully I'm able to tolerate it enough to not let it get to me. I just keep drinking and focus on other things.

I started at 248lbs... the day before my Surgery I was 245... today was my 1  week post-op weigh in and I am 233. That's a 15lbs loss!!! YAY My next appointment is 2wks from today at 9am.

I know its only been a week but I'm going to go to work tomorrow morning. Just for a half day to catch up on some work. The doctor said most people get tired and find work very difficult. So they stay home and nap. I've been home for a week and not once took a nap. I walk around, watch TV, drink but no sleep until its bed time. I really feel I will be well enough to go back. Again Thank God I have a desk job LoL

Surgery Date Changed

Feb 07, 2010

I was so unhappy when Dr. B moved my date.

I would have been in there today, but Its only a day away

My surgery date is now 2/10/10 at 2pm


Jan 11, 2010

FEBRUARY 8, 2010 @ 1PM

My pre-op appointment is on February 5 @ 8:30am

I was so anxious, frustrated...every emotion you can think of waiting for this... My consultation was today at 9am. Now that I know my date and the ball is really rolling this time. My emotions are off the charts... its right there and I'm terrified but so ready to do this at the same time.

I met 2 really nice women in the doctors office waiting room. One of them had the lab-band and the other had the bypass, both women were really happy and both said it was really painful. *sigh*

Ok lets do it!!!


4 months Later

Dec 14, 2009

I have a consultation date!!! FINALLY!!!

January 11, 2010 @ 9am, so I'm assuming if I get a surgery date *crosses fingers* it will be some time in February.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I just wanted to give up. Staring at each day on the calendar is a nightmare.

My weight has been up and down this entire time and with the holidays here in my face its so hard to not over eat or to not eat the wrong thing. 

I find it a lot harder to blog about things when I'm under stress, which is why I've been so anti-social. I hope all of you can forgive me.  I'll defiantly try to keep updating more frequently.

So close...Yet so far 


3 Months Down & 3 to go

Aug 24, 2009

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope everyone is well and progressing happily.

My last visit with the nutritionist was August 5, I had lost 2lbs

After that. I was in my basement and smashed my toe into the trampoline. It was swollen, purple and extremely painful. At first I thought I broke it. But after some careful examination. I saw that it wasn't, plus I could move it, but it still seemed off.  My work out flew out the window. Every time I put on my shoes it felt as though I had a large marble in the way and I just couldn't walk very well.  A couple of days later I accidentally snapped it back into place. OUCH!!!

So here we are in August. My birthday month and let me tell you its SO hard to not go crazy. We (my, bf and friends) had gone away for my birthday weekend. We went down to Wildwood and had and incredible time. I actually have a tan now LOL. I'm usually white as a ghost. Lets not forget I'm Puerto Rican and Costa Rican.  We had to take the tram car back and forth on the board walk because I could hardly walk but I did force myself to walk to the water on the beach and swimming was a lot easier than walking. Choosing food is unbelievably hard, you don't have many options and the restaurants are over priced. I did my best not to eat too much crap.

Kathy, Jill, Mia, Me & Alan... They are all my best-friends. There are a couple of people missing that I would include in this group. When it comes to good friends. I am defiantly blessed.

Weigh in # 3 was August 20 at 5:30. I was so worried because of my get away and lack of activity would ruin my weigh in. I swore up and down I gained 10lbs. 245!!!! I only gained 1lb.  I wouldn't have believed it, if I didn't see it myself.

August 21, 2009 2:19am. I became an aunt again!!!! Evelyn R. Allende  5lbs 1.8 oz 17.5 inches
My baby Niece

Baby Evelyn and her mommy (my sister-in-law) Tiffany.

What else is going on.... hmmmm... Oh yeah. I have a second Psychological Evaluation tomorrow at 11:30am. I'm trying to work on my anxiety. I had jury duty July 28, 2009 and when they told my mother to leave me. I freaked out... So... that needs to be taken care of.

And now my Rant: That new show  "More to Love", I absolutely HATE it. The only reason I watch it, is because I happen to know one of the girls on the show (we went to high school together). It would have been great if these girls had more confidence. True larger people need love too but the show made us look so pathetic. I hate how much they cry...its a giant pity party and I'm really offended by it. I may be a large girl but I refuse to hate myself for because I know I CAN do something about it. If someone doesn't like me because of my weight they can go * BEEEP* themselves. The worst part is I find my self wishing my friend would get kicked off just so I don't have to watch it anymore. *sigh*   When/IF she does I will stop watching it. If there is another season. I WON'T watch it.


At War

Jul 19, 2009

With myself..... This 6month supervised diet is driving me crazy. 

First I tried getting fat free food and all I can say is HORRENDOUS!!!!! they are disgusting I can't stand the taste, I got to the point where I would rather starve than eat any of it.

Starving isn't an option, I know I have to eat. So instead of completely switching food I eat my usual stuff but I cut my portions down  A LOT.  I don't add sugar or salt to anything anymore (that was hard).  I finally switched to 2% milk (which isn't too bad) and further down the line I'll switch to 1%...then fat free. After I eat, I'm still hungry because I'm used to eating so much more, so I wait about 10min and drink more water, after that I'm fine.

My 2end weigh in is this Thursday. *fingers crossed* I have been weighing myself on my scale at home and it said I lost 5lbs but only the doctors scale will really tell. The worst part about that is the scale said I lost 5lbs and that same night I ended up going out to eat with my Boyfriend and Best friend. I had 1 mini burger, 5 stuffed mushrooms (they are small) and a Strawberry Daiquiri. The next morning I felt so guilty I doubled my time on the elliptical.

I want this month to be over  already so I can get started on month 3 LOL...so then it will be 3 down and 3 to g


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2009
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 21
