Heading toward goal

Aug 27, 2010

I have currently lost 205 pounds.  I am about 10 pounds from goal--and it has been a slow hard 10 pounds--but I am determined to make it.  I would do nothing different --my results have been extraordinary.  My appreciation goes to Dr. Miles and vweronica at St. Vincents hospital--they gave me back my life.  I feel so much better--and I don't want food to become such an important part of my life again.  I am now 18 months out from surgery!

September Update

Sep 26, 2009

The good news is that I have now lost 120 pounds since 4/18/2009 (this includes the weight I lost on the two week prep diet before surgery)  I am so pleased and excited.  God is good--all the time.

Now there have been some challenges---I have had a particularly stubborn strain of pneumonia that kept me in the hospital for two weeks.  Folling that I have an upper respiratory/sinus/issue for over a week.  Exercise and walking have virtually ceased during this time and I guess my body is afraid to let go of weight, because between laying around and doing nothing and my quirky body, I have for these three weeks lost almost no weight.  But, I haven't gained any weight.  I have stuck strictly to my eating plan--but they (the Dr's) keep pumping me full of fluids and medicine. 

Hopefully when I get over this and get back to a good exercise routine--weight loss will increase.  My body might as well give up--cause I am going to do this the rest of my life, by the Grace of God.

There is much to share--and when I am feeling better, I will do so.  Please visit and read my Blog (which also has not been updated in a few weeks at

What WLS means to me--the short list.

Aug 28, 2009

  I have lost a little less than half the weight that is my goal and that I need to lose.

Things are going so much better for me, and I feel so much better. One of the most amazing side effects of this surgery, so far, is my diabetes. I was diabetic since 1994 and had to take medicine every day to control the sugar levels in my blood. Since my surgery, I have not taken a single shot of insulin or any medication for my diabetes. Thank God and the doctors hands He guides for this miracle.

Below are a number of hopes I have for this surgery and the resulting eating and exercise plan that I am involved in to eliminate the disease of morbid obesity, and to maintain a healthy weight.

Be warned it a short list--off the top of the head--There is so much more.

God Bless and have a wonderful day.

I am looking forward to not being the person who everyone that tells a story uses to illustrate size such as, "Hell Gary--they were as big as you".

I am looking forward to getting out of the house when I want and doing what I want.

I am looking forward to NOT being the largest person in the room.

There is a myriad of co-mobilities that are disappearing such as Diabetes (gone) Sleep Apnea (better), Hypertension (working on this), Arthritis, Bursitis, other joint pain (improving).

So many physical improvements--shoe tying, Hygiene issues, walking, exercise, movie seats, sports events, concerts. Living instead of existing. Really being healthy and feeling good most of the time instead of rarely. This is my short list--there is so much more. We will talk more later


What WLS means to me--the short list.

Aug 28, 2009

  I have lost a little less than half the weight that is my goal and that I need to lose, about 105 pounds to date.

Things are going so much better for me, and I feel so much better. One of the most amazing side effects of this surgery, so far, is my diabetes. I was diabetic since 1994 and had to take medicine every day to control the sugar levels in my blood. Since my surgery, I have not taken a single shot of insulin or any medication for my diabetes. Thank God and the doctors hands He guides for this miracle.

Below are a number of hopes I have for this surgery and the resulting eating and exercise plan that I am involved in to eliminate the disease of morbid obesity, and to maintain a healthy weight.

Be warned it a short list--off the top of the head--There is so much more.

God Bless and have a wonderful day.

I am looking forward to not being the person who everyone that tells a story uses to illustrate size such as, "Hell Gary--they were as big as you".

I am looking forward to getting out of the house when I want and doing what I want.

I am looking forward to NOT being the largest person in the room.

There is a myriad of co-mobilities that are disappearing such as Diabetes (gone) Sleep Apnea (better), Hypertension (working on this), Arthritis, Bursitis, other joint pain (improving).

So many physical improvements--shoe tying, Hygiene issues, walking, exercise, movie seats, sports events, concerts. Living instead of existing. Really being healthy and feeling good most of the time instead of rarely. This is my short list--there is so much more. We will talk more later.

Today--Monday--is now my offical weigh-in day

Jun 22, 2009

Do not want this to be long and drawn out--but it may be a bit long:

1. First--and most important to me--I feel sooo much better than I did two months ago.
    a.  I can walk two to three miles at a time vs could not make it across the room.
    b.  I don't use a cane to walk anymore.
    c.  I haven't had any diabetes medicine since my surgery and my blood sugar level is control ed.
    d.  My blood pressure medicine has been cut in half--and is in control.
    e.  I have stopped taking 12 pills a day (at physician's advice).
    f.   I actually felt like going away for the week-end to celebrate my 35th weding anniversary with my DW.
    g. I can now weigh on my home scales!
    h.  I feel Tony the Tiger Grrreat!
2. I will be eight weeks out from my RNY in two days.  So far total weight loss is 63 pounds--54 pounds since surgery.
3. Do you think I would do it again--at this point YES.

Six Weeks Out

Jun 11, 2009

I am very pleased with the results so far.  Lost another 19 pounds bringing the total since surgery to 43 pounds lost and a loss of 52 pounds from my High Weight (two weeks before surgery).  So far, no complications and only one dumping episode.  My next mini-goal--under 350 pounds-- a 100 pound weight loss!


Gos Bless the USA

May 19, 2009

God Bless the USA Flag   Video Here Lynyrd Skynyrd - Red White & Blue

Support Meeting

May 16, 2009

Went to my first post op support meeting today.  It was an excellent meeting.  Our bariatric Program Coordinator at St. Vinecents does an outstanding job--she has lost 235 lbs and id five years out. 
I lost 8 lbs since may 8 for a total of 24 lbs since surgery date 4/28.  I've lost 33 lbs all totaled since we started this process.

Support Meeting

May 16, 2009

Went to my first support meeting after surgery today.  It was an outstanding meeting --our Baritric program coordinator does a fabulous job (she has lost 235lbs and is 5 years out.  I lost 8 lbs Since may 8 for a total SW loss of 24 lbs and TWL of 33 lbs.

Weight Loss Tracker

May 09, 2009

"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot

About Me
Albertville, AL
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2003
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 13
