Mini Goal 2

May 26, 2024

So, Ive set my second mini goal. I want to get to 260.0  by the end of June. I've got 3.4 pounds to lose next month.  I know that's not much but, I'm a slow loser.  I haven't been 260 roughly 13 years.  


Zaxby's I should have known you're not my friend. ;-)

Jan 29, 2024

So, I went grocery shopping Saturday morning with my son. Aftwards we decided to go by Zaxby's and vring home dinner, seeings as it was late and I didn't really want to cook. So, I ordered the Asian Zensation Salad with grilled chicken.  They where "out" of grilled chicken. So I got fried.  Got home, and was hungry so I ate about 3/4 of it plus the eggroll.  I considered the egg roll and the fried chicken my splurge for the week. after I ate and went to log it into, I found the salad was 1,220 calories. It'll be a very long time, if ever, before I order that particular salad again

I should have remembered, that even though it's a salad, doesn't mean it's healthy


Inching closer to my first mini goal

Jan 23, 2024

I weighed this morning and am down to 273.4. I've got 3.4 pounds to lose to hit my first mini goal.    It's been a long process to get to this point but, the journey has taught me some valuable lessons.  

1 comment

Good morning ya'll

Jan 16, 2024


Not Hitting Mini Goal

Dec 30, 2023

A few weeks ago, I set myself a mini goal, to get down to 270. I didn't have that much to lose to get there (I weighed that several years ago). But, it looks like, unless a miracle happens, I'm not going to hit that goal.  I don't see any way tp lose 5 pounds between today and Monday.  

I got close, I'm 275.0. But, this isn't horseshoes I'm playing.  I'll go back over my food journal, both paper and the two I have online. And see what'sgoing on. Thank you to all ya'll for ya'll's support and encouragement. 



Dec 22, 2023

I've got 5.8 pounds to lose between now and December 31.  THe goal is getting closer.


Update On Mini Goal

Dec 18, 2023

So, I have gained and lost the same 2 pounds for the last week and a half.  The devil is determined that I will not make the mini goal or even come close.  But, he is WRONG! I have asked and showed my food journal to a friend that's a nurse and she said the only thing she'd change would be to up my water intake and lower my half and half intake on my coffee. But, it's still not bad on the amount of creamer I'm using.  I am pleased and grateful for the 30 pounds I've lost. And am gratful for the help and support of God, freinds and family.  And for the support from ObesityHelp. I am determined that I will get to this mini goal.


7.6 TO GO

Nov 27, 2023

A couple weeks ago, I set myself a mini goal to get down to 270 pounds, by the end of the year.  I weighed that back in 2015. I had 12 pounds to lose by the end of the year to reach my mini goal (the first of mini).  As of this morning, I've got 7.6 pounds to hit that goal.   

1 comment

12 pounds to go until my first mini goal.

Nov 08, 2023

About 8 years ago, I was at 270 (not my lowest post surgery)pounds. Today, I'm at 282.8 pounds.  So, I've got 12.8 pounds to lose to hit my first mini goal.  I'm giving myself until the end of the year to lose it.  I know that's a few weeks but, my weight is coming off slow.  

1 comment

Chili kinda night

Oct 17, 2023

it was 45° when I got up at 6:30 this morning. Suppose to be in the mid 70's today and back in the mind 40's tonight.  I'm thinking it's time to break out the crockpot and cook some chili. I'll also make potato soup.  Then tomorrow, take about half of each to my parent's. Mama doesn't do alit of cooking so, this should be plenty for a couple of days for them 


About Me
Live Oak, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2007
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