Doing it again

Dec 05, 2021

How does the old song go...."I'm back in the saddle again...".  You'd think, after 14 years, I;d have the hang of things, at least as fr as WLS is concerened. But, no. I have to be hard headed and not pay anyone or thing any attention. And let old habits creep back in. I haven't weighed myself at home in awhile. But, was at my primary Dr back on 11/18/2021. I had lost down to 300ish pounds. I knew I had been over 300 pounds, 310 to be exact, at the end of October first of Novemebr. I've been eating more, and eating things I shouldn't.  Drinking Coke Zero and Beer, instead of water. Loading up on carbs. I haven't said anything to Don just yet but, I'm going to see about just cutting back on the amount I eat, eating protein first, then veggies and little carb.  In other words, eat how we're suppose to eat. 

I've got 67 pounds to lose to get to my lowest post surgery weight. I refuse to be a failure. It can be done. And as for Don, he's just gonna have to make -up his own mind, to get back on track. If he wants it bad enough, he'll do it





About Me
Live Oak, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2007
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