well it's been a while

Feb 17, 2010

I haven't been on in a while but things are great!!!! I'm so happy with the way things are going I would never have believed I would feel this way a year ago. I was so miserable I didn't see a way out of being big. I started at 286 and had surgery Sept 16th and now I weigh 195!!!! I passed my first goal of 200lbs by 5lbs and I have now lost a total of 91lbs!!!!! I am loving life and I haven't had any complications so far. I thought that I would miss some foods like hamburgers and steaks but I wouldn't trade the way I feel about myself for the world. It shows in how I am around others how I dress and my overall attitude on life. I realize now how depressed I was and how much of the world I had shut out. My parents own a lake home and every summer since I was small was spent on the lake until I was 18yrs old. I was too worried about being in a swim suit around others that I would rather stay home. I still went but only once or twice a summer and then I would hide under shorts and shirts to go swimming. But not this year I am so excited about just having fun with my family and my kids I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep you posted and I hope you all are doing great on your weight loss journey:)


About Me
Aug 26, 2009
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