June 18, 2008
Jun 18, 2008
Well today is June 18...its been a little more than a month since surgery and I am feeling really really good. So good, in fact that I am rarely online or sitting behind my computer anymore. I am out, exercising, or just plain enjoying the life I was missing out on. I am so grateful for the speed at which Ive been able to return to my normal activities of daily living. I feel fabulous, I am NEVER hungry and I look better! Who could ask for more??
I swear that never hungry thing is a trip though...I literally have to remind myself that its time to eat. I DO have a problem always remembering my vitamins...and 38723 pills that I have to take...sheesh, I shouldnt complain, I still have not had to take ANY INSULIN! That is cause for celebration right there!
I have lost a total of 34lbs now...and I am wearing a size 16 bottom...I need to start some concentrated exercise on my upperhalf...lol.. My arms are so big and I am seeing that surgery is in my future for them. Its funny because I can see a difference in my wrists...I see these little bumpy things popping out on the sides of them...I think they call them bones!!!!!! LOL...This is sooo cool! :-D
Im home!
May 15, 2008
Well...its done! Im officially on the other side of the fence! I cant tell you how happy I am. I will tell you that if you asked me that same day, I probably would have choked you. I had to wear oxygen for the first 24 hours, my oxygen saturation was low....I had A LOT of nausea, which wasnt pleasant, and finally after being given a certain drug multiple times (zofran) with no good results I was given something stronger (dexamethasone) and that zapped it out completely. So as soon as I could move without the dry heaves....everything was good. I mean... every single time i moved in the bed, i was sick to my stomach....the Decadron did the trick!!
I was up in the halls walking and doing everything that I was supposed to do without a problem. They didnt discontinue the Morphine pump until the day that I went home. So Ive been taking Percocet now, which I dont like, I take half a tablet when I feel really uncomfortable. Otherwise I just deal with the uncomfortability. Its really not as bad as I would have imagined. My C/Section was WAY worse. Heck...my bunionectomy pain was worse...LOL...I will say that I am very wiped out. Exhausted even. But I dont have to go anywhere or do anything other than drink my protein and walk! So thats the plan!
Im soooooo happy...
May 01, 2008
Since starting the liquid diet, my blood sugar has dropped significantly and it has been within normal limits for the last 10 days, I have not had to give myself any insulin to cover any high numbers. I even thought about forgoing the surgery and just drinking SlimFast LowCarbMeal creamy chocolate shakes for the rest of my life...lol...but unfortunately, Im starting to get bored with them, so the rest of my life may be too long.
So, that being said, I will continue to take my life one day at a time, one protein shake at a time, or whatever it takes to get me to May 12th!
a date!
Apr 15, 2008
MAY 12th! I am just 26 days away from a new me! Im excited and nervous...but ready for a change.
Still waiting...
Apr 15, 2008
Apr 11, 2008