Dr's appointment yesterday

Sep 13, 2007

Hi everyone! Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the day with one of my girlfriends that had her surgery 2 weeks before I did. We both had our appointments together and I can't tell you how much fun I had spending time with her! I will never forget the "international incident" at Landstuhl... beep beep beep... LOL! She'll understand what I'm talking about! Anyways, The appointment went fine and we are both doing very well according to Dr. Schultz. He did change my "goal" weight to 130 instead of 109. That's a relief because I was wondering how in the world I was going to make it to 109! This means that I only have 24 pounds to make it to my goal! I wore a size 8 pants yesterday. They were really tight but not too uncomfortable. My floppy belly is the only reason why they weren't comfy but I can deal with that. My scars from the laproscopic surgery have developed keloids but he didn't seem to concerned about that. My scars are still pretty pinkish but I suppose that too will fade over time. It does however, make me wonder that if I have plastic surgery, will I have keloids after that too? I need to do some research on that. I'm actually really happy that I was able to see my Dr. and I had taken my camera so I could get pictures of us with him but I got so nervous and sweaty I forgot about me having my camera! Next time I will wear it aropund my neck so I don't forget I have it. We also stopped in to see another friend and she looks absolutely FABULOUS! The change in all of our bodies is truly amazing. Todays weight at the Doc's was 154 and I couldn't be happier. I'm off for now to have more coffee and get my energy level up and running for the day. Let's just hope that I don't turn into Hammy from Over the Hedge!

6 Months Out!

Sep 06, 2007

Hello everyone! Things here along the WLS path are doing good. Every once in a while the scale moves another notch down and I'm floating on cloud 9 for the rest of those days. Other days it stalls and I wonder what I did the day before. Then I try to readjust things around and do better the next day. I really don't have much to report as of now. My 6 month Dr's appointment is scheduled for next week so hopefully I will update after that. My 2 friends that had their surgeries 2 weeks before mine are doing great and are looking just fabulous! I'm so happy for them! My hair is still falling out by the handful and now I have a TON of little baby hairs that are starting to grow back. Thank god it's coming back! Anyways, I'll report more later.


Aug 31, 2007

Just a small update to let you all know I went and got my nose pierced. I LOVE IT! Right now its still healing and pretty sore. It was so worth it though. Just a little POW and it was done! I already replaced the jewelry (which you are not supposed to do) but the jewelry it was pierced with was too big and looked terrible so I put in a small stud and it looks great! I'm going to do my measurements in a while and I will post them as soon as I can remember to. Later!

Neck -               17          14.5           14  
Chest -              51           45            41.5
Waist -              48.5        40.25      38.25
Lower ab -       51.5         43.5       40.25
Hips -                47           43.75      39.25
Right thigh -     21.75      21.75      20.75
Left thigh -       24.75       21.25     20.75
Left calf -          16.5        15.25       14.5
Right calf -        16.5        15.25       14.5
Left ankle -        9            8.25         8.25
Right ankle -      9            8.5           8.25
Left bicep -       14          12.75      11.75
Right bicep -     13.25     12.25      11.25
Left forearm -   11.75     10.5        10
Right forearm - 12          11          10.25
Left wrist -         7            6.5         6.5
Right wrist -       7           6.5          6.5
Total inches lost = 25.75!!!!!!!!!!!!!  JUN07 
                             = 61.00   HOLY CRAP I've lost more inches than i am tall! SEP07

I need a boost

Aug 28, 2007

Hi Everyone!

Well here is how the last few days have went. Open mouth insert food. Not good! I need to back off and take a look at how far I have come and kick myself in the arse and get back on track. I love how I look and that's good but I'm still not at goal. Drink some freakin water would ya? Geesh! I've been slackin off on the water part and I can tell its not doing anything but screwing me up. Today I will try to change that. I'm off to do some research on the kickstart thing where you revert back to a certain diet to get things moving along on the losers end of things again. Anyone who says that this is the easy way out obviously haven't had to go through the things us post-oppers have. They can piss off as far as I'm concerned. Here's hoping that today will be a point where I can get back in the buggy and drive on successfully. Wish me luck!

Too damn long! My apologies!

Aug 19, 2007

Hey y'all! 
I  need to start out this with an apology because I haven't been on here in a while. Sorry! I went back home to the states to visit family and didn't really have access to a computer while I was there. Well... I made it home safely and stepped on the scale right before my shower last night and I'm down to 158! I was SHOCKED! I actually had to step on it a few times to make sure I was reading the numbers correctly.  I didn't lose much weight while I was at home because I DID NOT eat like I should have. I needed to be more careful and am quite disappointed in how I did while I was there. Anyways, as long as the weight still comes off...I'll take it. It's back to the grindstone here with trying to get in all of my protein and water. I'm still feeling pretty darn good about the weight I have lost. The total weight loss as of now is at 72 pounds.

4 months ... Say Wha???

Jul 06, 2007

Don't put A Cat On Your Head Magnet

Well folks... It's been 4 months since I had my surgery and I'm still a loser. Albiet, I lose a lot slower now but it is still coming off. I weighed in this morning at 168.5 and that's down from 230 at my highest weight. I'm considered a light-weight, but because of my height (I'm shrimpy at 5 ft with shoes on) I was really hurting with all of that weight on me. I can move around SO much easier now and yesterday I spent the morning cleaning out one of my husbands soldiers quarters and never once got out of breath or hot. That is SO huge for me. I used to be hot and uncomfortable just sitting on the couch and now I seem to be cold all of the time. I'm wearing size 12 jeans and XL shirts. I'm so freakin' cheap so I get most of my clothes on Ebay and from the thrift store on post. I only paid 4 bucks for a Mossimo top that still had the tags on it! 

I changed my hair... again...I put big stripes of blonde in it. I'm seriously considering adding a couple of tourquoise stripes in it as well. I also got 2 more tattoos right below my neck, two black stars about the size of half dollahs. I'm going to add more later so I have two little trails of stars running up each side of my neck into my hairline. That brings my tattoo total to 15 tats and counting! My next ones are going to be 2 blue old-school swallows on my upper arms. I don't know if I'm going through a mid-life crisis or what, but I find that now since I have more clothing choices and feel so much better about myself, I'm becoming a little more free with my choices. I can't wait to go home and see my family and finally get to some clothing stores. I NEED T-SHIRTS! I keep borrowing my husbands shirts and even they are starting to go baggy on me. 

As always, I'll keep you all updated on future progress so stay tuned!

Is that me in there?

Jun 26, 2007

Hi there! Well about 3 and 3/4 months after surgery and I am obsessed with the mirror. Any mirror. I'm not conceited in any way, I just am in awe of what I see when I look at myself. I wonder, who is this chick? I am beginning to wear makeup daily and I used to not do that. I am having a lot of fun playing around with my looks. I did get my hair cut and I will try to get some pictures up on here. I love it! It had been over a year since I had a haircut and I finally just decided to chop it off. It still falls out but not as bad. I am planning a trip home in a few weeks and I can't wait to see what my family has to say about my weight loss. Most of them don't know that I have had this surgery done. I am still debating on if I should tell them. On a lighter note, I'm moving on to smaller underwear again. YEA! My size 9's are starting to get that saggy butt thing going on. Well... I'm off to find my camera so I can post some pictures on here. 

3 and 1/2 months post op

Jun 18, 2007

Hello! Just a little update to let you all know how I'm progressing.  I have missed my vitamins for the last couple of weeks because I was waiting for my Bariatric Advange shipment to arrive. I started feeling crappy about 3-4 days after I stopped taking the vitamins. I had NO energy and felt like I was losing my mind. All I wanted to do was sleep and I have been SO stinkin' crabby! Anyways, I received my shipment yesterday and I took my vitamins while I was running my errands. The vitamins from Bariatric Advantage ROCK! They are really yummy and I had no issues with my tummy feeling sour afterwards. I ordered the B-12, multivitamin, chewable iron, and calcium citrate lozenges. The B-12 is a tiny little tablet that you let disolve under your tongue, the multivitamin is orange flavored chewable(kinda gritty but it tastes good) the iron is also a tiny chewable and tastes really good I think it is a strawberry flavor. And last but definately not least, the calcium is a lozenge that you allow to dissolve in your mouth and I got the cinnamon flavor. It's like eating a piece of candy! It lasts for a while and is not too strong that it burns your mouth. Kinda tastes like big red gum. 

Eating has been kinda difficult for me in the last few days. Last night I fixed Boca burgers and my family liked them. I ate about 2/3 of one with no bun and had to go throw up almost as soon as I was done eating it. This happens a lot lately and I'm not sure if I am eating too fast or just a little too much. I'm sure I will figure it out soon. At least it doesn't happen all of the time! 

My highest weight EVER was 230 and I got down to 228 the day of surgery. Today I weighed 173 and I couldn't feel better. I'm down to wearing a size 12 (depending on the jean) and it still hasn't sunk in that I'm wearing clothing items that are so small. My skin on my stomach is the worst thing too look at. It kinda flaps over my jeans and has a front butt look to it minus the whole "crack" thing. There are definately cheeks there though. My poor boobies resemble old socks that have given up the fight against elastic. I just throw them in a bra and go on with my day. Someday I will look into plastic surgery, I still have some weight to lose, about 50-60 pounds, but that will happen with time.

3 Months and 50 Lbs Gone!

Jun 11, 2007

Hellooooo! Well here is my 3 month update. I have been bouncing at 50 pounds lost for about a week or so. I am getting scared because I feel like I won't lose any more. I still have troubles getting in enough water. Protein is no problem for me anymore. I think I get enough of that with my protein shakes and bars. I bought a pair of size 12 jeans yesterday and the darn things fit! OK... they are stretch denim but I don't care. The tag says 12! My hair is falling out by the handful. That is weirding me out too. I have little clumps of hair floating all about the house. Like angry dust-bunnies. I still have a big tummy on me that drives me nuts. Plastic surgery is definately going to be in my future. My skin isn't bouncing back like I hoped it would. Well, I'm not going to complain too much. This has been a blessing. I am SO happy that I had this done and I wouldn't change it if I could.  Here are some of my current measurements The first is my beginning and the second is current
Weight 177.5

Neck -               17          14.5
Chest -              51           45
Waist -              48.5        40.25
Lower ab -       51.5         43.5 
Hips -                47           43.75
Right thigh -     21.75      21.75
Left thigh -       24.75       21.25
Left calf -          16.5        15.25
Right calf -        16.5        15.25
Left ankle -        9            8.25 
Right ankle -      9            8.5
Left bicep -       14          12.75
Right bicep -     13.25     12.25
Left forearm -   11.75     10.5
Right forearm - 12          11
Left wrist -         7            6.5
Right wrist -       7           6.5
Total inches lost = 25.75!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dumpy Dumperton

May 27, 2007

Pomegranates & kinder chocolate bars DO NOT play well with WLS patients. Just a little info here to let you know that these two in combination of each other make you dump like a truck, by themselves they are fine. I need a t-shirt that freakin' fits and my jeans are falling off again. Mind you that I am not griping in a bad way here,just hate pulling themup every five minutes. I had plumbers crack so bad the other day, I just gave up and changed clothes. I can fit my arm down the side of my size 16 pants when I have them on. down to 180.5 as of this morning and hoping to break the 170 mark soon. Be back later with my 3 month update! PEACE!

About Me
APO, Baumholder,
May 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 30
20 months out
17 months out
Almost 15 months out!
14 Months Post-Op
Like a snail....with salt on its back......
Holding Steady
I made it under 150!
27 OCT 2007
7 months out and stalling like an old car
