11 weeks out

May 22, 2007

Hello fellow Oh'ers. It hasn't been 3 months yet but it's creeping up on me here. I find myself struggling to keep my protein and water intake up where it should be. I fell off of the WLS wagon the other night when I ate Starbucks Java Chip ice cream with the knowledge that I would probably dump because of all of the sugar. Well, fate has it that I didn't dump but I have felt like crap since I decided to eat it. I had to pull up my baggy underwear and get back on the wagon. I still feel guilty for even popping the lid off of the container and then diving into it. I suppose that when these things happen you can just kick yourself in the arse and try your best to be better to yourself in the future. I'm down to 183.5 and know that I could really speed things up if I get in enough water and protein. Cravings are getting the best of me but I will continue to fight them off as best I can. I was supposed to go and see one of my WLS friends today but I have to go and do some updating on our families military information with my hubby's unit. I am really disappointed that I am unable to make it out her way. We will definately have to reschedule it. I love her! She rocks and understands everything I'm going through. It's SO good to have another person so close to you going through the same things are you are. Well other than that not much happening around here. SSDD as they say. I'll be back next time with my 3 month update!

9 weeks out

May 11, 2007

Well everyone, I'm about 9 weeks out here give or take a few days. I've had a cold that won't leave and it's really annoying. Who knew a body could manufacture so much snot? I feel OK though just going through kleenex in rapid fire succession and coughing everynow and then. I haven't been to the gym in about a week. I can't say that I miss it. I finished up my college courses (thank gawd) and ended up with A's in both courses. That was a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. Now I just get to sit here at home and clean up what my kids tear up and that is a full time job within itself. I'm down to 186.5 and everyday is a little more gone on the scale. I am still in awe of the weight loss. I haven't weighed this since 1997 so it is a little unusual to me. My hair is starting to fall out more but honestly, I don't care. I am struggling to keep my sanity because my hubby is going to be deployed again towards the end of the year. I miss him so much when he is gone and this time he will be gone for 15 months instead of 12. It makes me very sad and nervous for him. Other military wives know how this feels and it can be pretty difficult to deal with. Anyways not much other to report so I will keep you all posted on any progress and chaos that ensues. Best wishes!

2 Months Out and Psyched!

May 01, 2007

Hellooooo! Things here are going great. I'm down to 191.5 and still can't believe that the scale is moving like it is. My 16 fit really comfortably now and are getting a little baggy. My Mom sent me some smaller under-roos so no more saggy buns here! Not really much change in bra size yet(darn it!) but that will come in time. Right now I'm wearing a 42D but I think I need a DD because I tend to spill out over the top. AArrggg, I hate it! I would like to be a 34 or 36B. I have a long way to go until I am able to reapply for a breast reduction but I'm sure I will need it in the future. I was approved for one before surgery but I decided to wait until I lose some more weight to get it done. Also a tummy tuck will also be needed and hopefully these two procedures can be done at the same time about 18 months out from 6 March 07. I'm still awaiting the arrival of the collar bones. They are starting to peek out a little but not enough to be very noticable yet. I feel better than I have in years, I also have been exercising 3 times a week at the gym. Not lifting any weights yet but doing 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the elliptical. My hip always hurts a lot the next day but it's worth it. I have bursitis in my right hip thanks to the Army Airborne School and all of the running I used to do. Aacchh... the joys of the military! Well, I just thought I would post a little update. I try really hard to not forget to put something up every week. Mostly just verbal diarrhea but at least its something. My college classes only have one week to go until the semester is over and I will do a huge dance in my pants when that crap is over with! Toodles 'til later!

Insert Snoopy Dance Here!

Apr 18, 2007

Hello everyone! 

Just puttin in my weekly update on here and I have to say that today is a huge milestone for me. I have been really worried about gaining some weight this week because I have not been eating like I should. Nor am I getting in all of the water I need to either. (I know bad girl, smack my hands for me will ya?) Anyways, I got on the scale this morning and am at 197. I did bounce between 199 and 197 all week but I think that was due to not enough water. So ..... I have been on ebay for the last few weeks and ordering me some clothes in smaller sizes. I got a pair of jean gauchos that I LOVE but they are WAY to small for me. They are a 16. I also ordered a pair of 16 jeans and I got them in the mail yesterday. I held them up and said... there is no way they are going to fit me if they are a 16, the others didn't and these look about the same size. Well... I threw caution to the wind today and decided to try them on as soon as I woke up and the darn things fit! I think the gauchos are a smaller cut because these jeans are perfect! I did have to take off my undies because they are so low cut that my drawers were peeking out over the top...... not cute at all! Maybe that was TMI but.. I don't give a crap! They fit darn it! AND... I'm wearing one of my husbands t-shirts that is an XL. I feel so strange, like that it isn't going to last and I will not be able to wear these very long and I will get too heavy,(why do I feel like that?)  but as long as things go like they have been, I will be wearing these for a long time until they fall off of me! 

I also broke down and colored my hair. I had too much grey going on and it just wore on my nerves too much. I colored it about the same color as my natural hair just one shade lighter of brown. I also cut some small bangs. Not too short they fall just below my eyes, and I like it! I'm going to try to put up a picture that my hubby took of me yesterday. Let's hope I can get it on here. Toodles!

5 Weeks and Counting!

Apr 11, 2007

Ok... My kids are home from school on Spring Break and they have offically driven me to a new level of insanity. I thought I would get that out of the way before you all think I have lost my mind. Yup you guessed it... I have! Well I have some news to report, I am offically under 200 pounds! ONE-DERLAND!!!!!!! My hubby forgot to hide the scale while he was gone so I stepped on it this morning and I weighed 199! I about had a heart attack! I have noticed that I am able to eat more now and not much upsets my stomach but also, I am very choosy about what I decide to eat. I got my Nectar Twisted Cherry jug from bariatriceating.com yesterday and I am actually really excited to have my protein shakes in the morning now. I absolutely LOVE anything flavored cherry. It came with a free shaker too so that is just a bonus! 
I need to take some more pictures and post them. I need to see the difference in photos rather than in the mirror. It helps me to see what I actually look like because sometimes the mirror is too nice to me. Well other than those things, not too much exciting is going on around here. I'm just freakin' stoked that I weigh under 200!  

One Month Out ...

Apr 04, 2007

Hi, Hello, Wa'Sup... How are you? Dang... Energy levels are going through the roof! I can't stand it most days here in the house. Being in here wants to make me eat. I am such a boredom eater! Anyways it gets to the crazy point from 2 in the afternoon until suppertime (5:30-6). I feel like I'm starving and it drives me crazy! I know it is head hunger but...daymn! 
I have searched the house for the elusive scale. I am still unable to find it. Growl, snarl. The last week I didn't lose anything and it is driving me crazy to not know if I have lost anything yet this week. I am SO close to One-derland! I wore a pair of 18's yesterday and they didn't cut me in half. YEA! Today I am going to see my friend that had surgery 2 weeks before me and I can't wait to hear if she sees any difference in me. It's hard for me to tell any difference in myself except for the clothes getting a little baggier everyday. Some of my things look downright sloppy because they are so baggy now. I am extremely uncomfortable in clingy clothes so I will continue to wear the baggy ones until I can't anymore. I will relay a funny story here.....So... I'm cleaning the bathroom and am finding that my tennis shoes are leaving little footie prints with everystep. I bend over and am wiping the floor as I am walking out of the room. By the time I reach the end of the room and am in the doorway to the hall, I notice that my pants are now down around my thighs and my panties have followed. My kids are all just standing there with their mouths open looking at my big butt. They say... "MOM!" All I could do was stand up, shrug and say I was sorry for giving them a full moon. Aside from mooning my kids that was pretty cool. Britches falling down is a good thing! I hate to lose those pants because they are my favorites but HEY! I can deal.

There's no place like FOAM!

Mar 27, 2007

Ok Y'all... one thing that I was afraid of doing while I have been out and about running my errands is dumping on something that I have eaten when I am not at home. Well, I wouldn't say that this evening I dumped but GAWD... I was foamin' at the mouth like a dog with rabies! It was all I could do to just swallow and get through the checkpoint guards at the gates onto post. Do you know how hard it is to smile when you are trying NOT to puke? Anyways I made it home and then ran up our stairwell inside and threw it all up. My husband is working late tonight and I didn't really feel like cooking so we went out for dinner. We went to Popeye's chicken. My girls had fried chicken with mashed potatoes and I decided to get a small popcorn shrimp. I did not realize that the shrimps were spicy, I ate them WAY too fast and only had about 5 pieces. Then I started to feel really bad. I suppose I should have ordered a small helping of mashed potatoes... duh! What was I thinking. I sure did learn my lesson though. That crap burned all the way up too... darn spices!  So here I sit with a glass of soy milk and sip every 10-15 minutes. 

Oh yea... my hubby had to hide the bathroom scale. I would stand on it at least twice a day and he said that it was becoming an obsession. I think I was just amazed to see the numbers that I haven't seen in years! And I was proud of myself! I have noticed me feeling better about a lot of things here lately and I haven't been beating myself up as much as usual. It's kind of nice! I think I will continue to be nice to myself. I even bought me a new purse which I haven't done in at least 5 years. It's so pretty.  

2 weeks out today

Mar 20, 2007

Well everyone it has been two weeks since my surgery and I feel like it has been MUCH longer than that. I find that I am in no pain at all and my energy level is just short of what it was before I had this surgery done. I find that it is easier for me to do a lot of the things I struggled at before. I actually crossed my legs the other day and it didn't slide off or strangle me! Wow moment for sure! My clothes are getting more comfortable and some are actually a little baggy. I tried a pair of my pants on the other day and they are an 18 and I got them on but they were still pretty snug. The thing is that I was actually able to get them buttoned! I can remember before the buttons couldn't even think of reaching each other! 

I am happier with my decision to have this done. I know for a few days it was really hard on me. I cried and struggled and made it through and believe me... it does get better. I still crave things I know I shouldn't have but I suppose that is normal. A couple of things I did throw up but I felt it coming and it wasn't as bad as I thought it may be. I am SO happy to still be able to cook meals formy family and be able to modify it a little for me and sit at that dining room table and have all of us eat dinner together, That was a big deal for me. I didn't think I would be able to do it. I have lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks, something I know wouldn't have been possible without my tool. I hope to see under 200 pounds soon and never return to them again.

I made it home!

Mar 10, 2007

Hey! I made it home! Yesterday I was able to come home from the hospital. I was SO happy! I feel much better in my own environment and I didn't get much rest while I was in the hospital. I will have to say that the care I received in the German hospital was wonderful and the facilities were nice. The nurses were the best and my Dr. came by at least twice a day for visits. I'm going to try to add a ticker to this blog to keep everyone updated on my weight loss. I'm not going to say that this surgery was easy. I am still having some pain and the eating is something I am definately not used to. I am hanging in there and I am sure things will get better. My vitamins are helping out a lot. I find it hard to get in all of my water but I am keeping a valient effort on that one. Thank you all for your support and I will try to keep this updated as often as I can. OH has been a huge resource and comfort for me pre-op and I hope it will be just as good to me in the future. Thanks y'all!

One day 'til admission for RNY

Mar 03, 2007

Hello everyone! Tomorrow I will be going into the hospital for my RNY surgery! I am SUPER excited and scared out of my mind at the same time. I am packed and ready to go and getting through today is going to be really stressful. I am going to clean the house and finish up laundry to help to pass the time. 
I attended a support group meeting yesterday and the feedback I received from the gals there was just amazing. Shanon and I had a great time! We went to the commissary afterwards and I got food for my hubby and kids for the next week along with some jellos and protein shakes for me. We saw our friend Marie there and she is doing wonderful too. I can tell a lot of weight loss from the two of them and they are only 2 weeks out from their surgeries! They are a huge inspiration for me.  I hope that everything goes OK and that I will pull through this with flying colors. I plan on being up and walking as soon as I can after surgery. I tend to be hard-headed and stubborn so I am sure I will make it alright. Then again, that could be my downfall. I just need to always remember to stay focused and remember that I am doing this for me! I have put myself in such a shell that it is time for me to start to open up and start living life again. 
I will see you all on the other side soon! Best wishes!

About Me
APO, Baumholder,
May 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 30
20 months out
17 months out
Almost 15 months out!
14 Months Post-Op
Like a snail....with salt on its back......
Holding Steady
I made it under 150!
27 OCT 2007
7 months out and stalling like an old car
