8 years out

Nov 04, 2011

Well, yesterday marked my 8 year anniversary since my WLS and life is still great!    I do however still have those extra 30-35 pounds that I just can't seem to get off.    I joined a Boot Camp and go to it 3 times a week and I do notice changes in my body but still no weight has come off!     My anemia is under control and I will have to continue to have a doctor monitor me every year and I have finally gotten my diarrhea under control.      The only bad thing is with my weight gain my blood pressure went up and I am now on blood pressure medicine (very low dose).   

October 31 would have marked my very dear friend's 8 year anniversary as well (we lost her in 2007).   She and I did this journey together and I miss her everyday.     

For all of those considering WLS, I have no regrets and even with some of the problems that have developed over time, I would do it again in a heartbeat.   For me, it was well worth it.   Always take your vitamins!   I now have to take a B-12 everyday and a probiotic.    

Good luck everyone.

7 Years Out

Jun 09, 2010

Wow!  Can't believe it has been 7 years since my surgery.   And about 3 years since I've been on this site.   Alot has changed.      I got married a year ago next month to a wonderful man and in the process I got 3 step-children.    I survived a major  hurricane even though I lost my house and my job but things are slowly getting back to normal.  My kids are almost grown (one is 19 and out on her own and my son is going to be a junior in high school next year).

I have gained about 30 pounds and I recently went to the doctor and was diagnosed with severe anemia.     I never realized how much of your body is affected when you don't have any iron left (my blood pressure increased, I was pale, my joints hurt, I had no menstrual cycle and just a bunch of other things).   But after being on medication now for almost 6 months, my iron levels are almost back to normal and I feel great!     As my husband says, I look healthy again.       I just now need to get those 30 pounds off that I have gained!!    One of my good friends had surgery on May 25 and she is doing great.  I guess you could say I am her Angel.....she calls and asks me questions all the time and it is fun to remember what I went through and to give her advice.   


Five Years Out

Nov 07, 2008

Wow!  I can't believe it has been 5 years since my surgery.    I have for the most part kept the weight off.  I believe I have gained about 10 pounds back but that's okay.  Everyone tells me how healthy I look!    I have never felt better and I have had no problems except for the occassional losing of my food (this is usually because I ate something that I just can't tolerate).      In the last year or so I have developed a problem with diarrhea or my food going right through me.      But this is something manageable and something I can live with.     I have tons of energy and it shows because I work 2 jobs and have returned to school to obtain my bachelor's degree.      As far as my size, I am still wearing 5/6 clothes and sometimes even find myself fitting in some 4's.   Things I still can't eat (and probably never will be able to eat again) are:   Ice Cream, cereal and milk, and alvacados.   If someone were to ask me would I do this whole process and procedure over again....my answer would be MOST DEFINETLY!   It has been a wonderful journey and well worth it!!!

Very Sad

Jun 05, 2007

I am very sad today....my best friend who I did my weight loss journey with has past away.     She is gone and I am going to miss her so much.    I am still numb and in shock and not sure how or why this happened.

About Me
Texas City, TX
Surgery Date
May 08, 2003
Member Since

Latest Blog 4
Five Years Out
Very Sad
