Surgery Date Bumped

Jul 10, 2007

I'm so frustrated. I got a call from the surgery center yesterday. They moved my surgery date out 2 weeks. I know 2 weeks is no big deal, but I was getting myself psyched for my date and I'm really disappointed to have it moved.

I was thrilled when July came around so that I could say that my surgery was 'next month'. Now that's gone. It's now 2 months out.

I just hope they don't move it back again. They said that there was a slim chance that I could still have my original date, but most likely it will be moved. They'd better not jerk me around and keep moving it.


Jun 13, 2007

Right after I made my last post I talked to my new coordinator. I've got a surgeon and a date! I'm not going to be seeing Dr. Pratt, but I'm OK with that. They are referring me to Dr. Ferguson, who I saw at the orientation. He seemed nice. He does both types of surgery, so she thought he would be the best surgeon to see since he can discuss both types with me and help me decide which kind is best for me. So I have my consult with him scheduled for July 16th.

She also went ahead and scheduled my surgery for August 23rd. Doesn't matter which surgery I choose, I can have that day for it. So in just about 9 weeks I'll be having my surgery! Wow! I'm excited and terrified. I'll have to create a ticker for my count down.


Still Agonizing Over Which Surgery To Have

Jun 13, 2007

I attended MGH's orientation Monday night. I had pretty much decided on the Lap-Band until then. Now I'm not so sure. They make the RNY look awfully attractive. Plus they have Dr. Pratt, who is one of the best in the business at doing the RNY. So now I'm seriously considering the RNY again. I guess I'll make my surgeon consult with her and see where it goes from there. I have some medical conditions which may preclude my having the RNY. I think I'll talk to her and see what she has to say about that. I've put in a call to the case coordinator but haven't heard back from him yet. I'm eager to get the ball rolling now. I want to get started with this. I wish he'd hurry up and call back.

I'm just so scared that I'll be that 1 person in 500 that has serious complications. I dont want to have my stomach and intestines cut only to have it suck. But I have 2 friends who have had it and they are very glad they did. I keep looking at all the people on this site who had had success to psyche me up, but I'm still scared. I guess that's normal, but Dr. Pratt is the best. Sigh.

Approved For Surgery

May 15, 2007

Well, I was told today that I was approved for surgery at MGH. I'm relieved about that, although I was pretty sure I would be. But now I have a decision to make. The doctor is trying to edge me into considering RNY instead of Lap-Band. I had my mind set on the Band, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I should consider the RNY. He addressed my concerns about the safety of the bypass by basically telling me not to worry about complications because statistically they're extremely rare. He also said I'd lose a lot more weight and me much more likely to keep it off with the bypass. So, hmmmm. I have to think on this. Big decision. Part of me drags me heels at the thought of the bypass because it's not reversible, but another part of me says, if I'm going to have something as drastic as surgery, I may as well have the one with the best chance of success.

I don't know what to do. I have some time to think, but not a whole lot. Time flies pretty fast. I guess I'll have to talk to some people who've been there and really give this a lot of thought. Not a decision to take lightly. I have to say, I've never met a person who's regretted having the bypass (though I've seen them on TV and in magazines and such, of course). I know the odds of problems are slim.

I'm so confused!!!!

About Me
Waltham, MA
Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 14
Two Major Milestones Reached!
The Long Haul
Complications, More Complications, Illness, And Weight Loss
First Weigh-In and Complications
Post-Op Day 6
Postponed AGAIN!!!!!
Walking Across America
Before Pics
My Surgeon On Trial
