cheche00 19 years, 1 month ago

You can get back on the right road. Just put your ming to it I know you can make it work. You went tohtough too much to give up now! summer is here again so get your butt up and move! I will be in touch with you soon.

bob-haller 19 years, 11 months ago

Does anyone know how she is doing? Last I heard she had cancer and I am concerned. Plus her e mail doesnt appear to work. If anyone know please fill me in thanks.

Sheryl M. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hi: I dont know if you remember me from about 6 months ago. I am sheryl miller in NM. I had my surgery in july22, 2002. I began at 453 lbs and now I am at 365. I have had a hard time with weight gain. and I found out that I should have began waterloading by 1 year out. I have been waterloading for about 1 week and I feel better and I am eating more hard foods instead soft foods. I was eating a lot of peanutbutter and pretzles.I really had a problem with my appitite. and I had my boyfriend of 2 years move to montana in July and a really good dog friend die at the same time.I had a hard time with my college class too last semester. and this semester I couldnt go to college because of health problems and I owed some money on a book in a class I dropped at the begining of the semester. I reall can understand your questions. I hope thing work out for you and I am so happy for your great progress. Please feel free to write me soon. I would like to hear from you. my e-mail address is [email protected]. Sheryl miller Open Rny July 22, 2002 516/453/365/160

~~Stacie~~ 20 years, 7 months ago

I have followed your journey and am saddened by this recent detour~~continue to eat healthy - not for the WLS but because a healty strong body is better able to fight the cancer- Good Luck and God Bless

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 7 months ago

<b>YourDivaness Royale, God Bless you in every step you take in healing from your sickness. May your recovery be a successful one and a quick one. hang in there and keep the faith. God Bless you</b>

yourdivaness 20 years, 8 months ago

Hello Family!! Just me checking in to give you an update on my progress! I'll try to make it short, but you KNOW ME. On 9/19/03 (or somewhere thereabouts), I was given some medicine for back pain (Ultram). Listen, it made me soo sick, for almost a week, I was in agonizing pain. I hurt so bad that I was bent over and couldn't straighten up. The pain resembled a severe case of gas pains (or so I thought). Anyway, I tried to muster up some strength to try an deal with the pain. They say some women are stronger mentally/emotionally) than men...Well, I don't know about that, but this Preacher Lady was in some 'sho nuff' pain! On Sept. 27, 2003, I couldn't take it any more. I wasn't eating, because EVERYTHING I ate, I regurgitated. I tell you I hurt so bad, it even bothered me to talk...all I could do was cry...and I cried out unto the Lord to please let me make contact with someone close to where I live, I needed some help. I called about Roslynn Parker, and an Angel that came to my immediate (do you hear me?) my immediate rescue~~her name is Tina Huber, she is in my support group. As a matter of fact, she stayed with me the entire night at Emory Dunwoody Medical Center until my husband arrived and they decided to admit me. I have been in and out of the hospital, not working for about 3 weeks, and back and forth for MRI's, X-rays (to include KUB's), CT Scans of my Abdomen & Pelvis. First, let me make a correction, I also made a call to another Angel, Vickie Linke or Vickie!~~the "spot" was NOT on my kidney as previously mentioned. Now, for "mind-blower"..(and I have obtained the medical records). I have been diagnosed with CANCER. The lesion/metastatic tumor was found on the right lobe of my Liver while I was in the hospital. I know enough medical terminology to know that "metastatic" essentially means the disease has spread from an inital point. There has to be a primary source, you understand, right? I was furious!! Why? Because NO ONE told me that it was more than just a "spot or cyst" on my liver. Wait a minute, that's not the HALF of it. What is DOCUMENTED and in MY possession, is the fact that the medical records show that I also have (as a result of the esophageal tear last year when attempting intubation), that I have an esophageal leak or "leaky gut syndrome"~which has lead to peritonitis. They ruled out an abscess because my white count was normal and I had no fever. What do you think about all this so far? Add to that, that the records/x-rays show that I have emphysema, and a myriad of other "stuff" that I, as woman of the gospel, DO NOT ACCEPT!! I want everyone to know, that I BELIEVE the REPORT OF THE LORD! I will NOT DIE!! I REFUSE to DIE because there is too much work I need to do for the Lord in the ministry! I feel as though I have been betrayed since I wasn't told...I had to find these things out myself. Well, I thought it was a death sentence at first, but I had to remember "Whose" I am. I'm a Child of the Most High! I will declare the works of the Lord!! I lost a total of about 18lbs. in 4-5 days, and was told by Dr. Champion to go back to clear liquids, then a bland diet for a couple of weeks, which I did. I'm feeling much better now, and look better too! Is it appropriate to say that I think I look pretty good-not sickly? Remember, go back to my profile...I was wearing about a size 24-26. Now, I'm wearing a size 10 in regular clothes and in designer fashions (Liz Claiborne), Argenti, Nordstrums, etc, I can ACTUALLY get into an "8"!!! Think I ain't happy about that? Still playing tennis and doing the things I was doing before I got "the news", I'm not letting ANYTHING stop me from enjoying my life as a thin person. I DON'T plan to have any SURGERY on my LIVER because I believe in DIVINE HEALING and trust God. I have agreed, however, to go through the tests and possibly the biopsy (maybe). So, I don't have no sad songs to sing, just positive thoughts. Well, I guess this is enough for now. I'm sorry this update is so long, but I wanted ALL of you in the AMOS Family to know, and ask that you keep my in your thoughts and PRAYERS-I'd love to hear from you while I'm recuperating. Love to you All! Lap RNY 09/03/02 265/146/115-126 Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~

~~Stacie~~ 20 years, 8 months ago

You will be in my prayers today- may you be released soon with a clean bill of health!

maureen 20 years, 8 months ago

You are in my thoughts and prayers I hope all is ok and you are home soon hugs adn God Bless Maureen

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 8 months ago

<b>I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all. (unknown author)FROM MY HEART TO YOU ~*~Hugs~*~</b>

MommaAngel 20 years, 8 months ago

HI DIVANESS I just want you to know that i am praying for you sweetie that the spot will be nothing to be worried about. Our God is able to hear and answer prayer. I beleive you will be home soon and healed. Lord Bless
About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2000
Member Since

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