Moma V. 20 years, 8 months ago

RE-POST and RE-POST again (for some reason it didn't post from her surgery page), from early this a.m. 09/28 06:08 AM **UPDATE** My dear friend called me bright and early this morning, to let me know what was up with her, so I could also let those others that care about her know too. She went to the hospital because of pain yesterday and through testing they found a spot on her Kidney. She's still at the hospital at this moment and doesn't know when she will be released. Same hospital as she had for her RNY, Room #282. <p> Dear Pastor Hadiyah, you are in my prayers, get well soon. Also please forgive me for being a grump this morning on the phone. Love you and God Bless

Moma V. 20 years, 9 months ago

Well how do you like that? Your 1 today! congrat's on your re-birthday! much love and God Bless you Hadiyah Ü your friend always

charanewme 20 years, 9 months ago

Happy anniversary. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. May the sun shine upon your beautiful face and the stars guide you through the night. Charlene

yourdivaness 20 years, 9 months ago

Correction: That should be: "Nothing is as GOOD as THIN feels"...sorry about that!

yourdivaness 20 years, 9 months ago

Hello Dear AMOS Family!! Please join me in singing~~~HAPPY "Re-birthday" to me, Happy "re-birthday to me, Hap-py "Re-birth-day, Dear Hadiyah, Happy "Re-Birthday to YOU" or is it ME? I feel ssooo good these days! I want to thank everyone for All of the calls, long email conversations, gifts, PRAYERS, LOVE and understanding! I FINALLY pulled through that aggravating plateau! I HAD to do some serious fasting and praying, but it finally payed off. I got that "motor" goin' now...burning calories, pumped up the water a "wittle bit more". I had stopped going to my aerobics class for awhile, 'cause I'd be stressed all day, lay awake with insomnia some nights, then go right back into the stress cycle again. I just returned to work today from taking some personal leave time off!! It was WELL deserved, TRUST ME! Communion time, of sorts~~The folks here at work actually missed me! Can you believe it? Smart-mouthed Hadiyah? They were wanting to hug on me and everything! (Nope, watch it!) No "warm and fuzzy hugs" from anyone EXCEPT the Hubby~~thank you very much**Grin** At approximately ONE YEAR POST OP as of TODAY, here we go: LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" I've gone from a size 26 dress at 265 lbs, to a size 10 at 149lbs!! I can wear some 8's. 265/149/115-126. A TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS of 116lbs!! PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY and SPIRITUALLY! I am sssooo happy... and want to repeat what I have read many times on this website and others..."Nothing is as GODD as THIN FEELS!" the Barbie Doll Syndrome, remember my post on that? I don't look sick either, mind you! Moving right along...Love to all! Hadiyah, a.k.a~~

yourdivaness 20 years, 10 months ago

Hello Dear Family!! I thought I would post here so that everyone would know...I am temporarily using another email address for now. My MSN account is experiencing a few technical problems since I have been getting a 'ga-zillion' emails and can't seem to anser them quick enough. So, just in case you've been trying to send me a message and it "bounces" back to you~this is the reason why. I have contacted the Technical Support and they are working on it. I'll let you know when it's back up. Until then, you can send all emails to either of these: 1st preference: [email protected] 2nd preference: [email protected] Thanks! Hadiyah McCutcheon, aka~~~

yourdivaness 21 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone! Just wanted to thank ALL of you for your post during the stressful times in my life...even my "sister" that put the word out that I wasn't feeling the greatest and seemingly about my posts not showing up (she knows who she is..."Ms. !" she's a real jewel!:) I'm feeling much better these days. Thanks for caring and sharing! This site IS a community of brothers and sisters INCLUDING the volunteers and especially those in the background that keep up on our "pees & ques", the Moderators!!! Also, I'm working on getting my 6 pages of questions (to ask at your WLS consultation) on a disk, so that it will be available to all that ask (pre-ops, but will give to post-ops as well) Should be ready in about a week or two,. Okay?

scopemonkey 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi: Thanks for your post on my page and Congrats on your post- op weight loss successes! Cheers to many more pounds "melting" away!! Take care and God Bless!

donnaa62 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi lady, I am sorry your post arent showing up.. Know that you are prayed for and that this to shall pass... be of good cheer and know that God is good and will answer prayers.. my prayers are with you and give yourself a big hug from me..

Terry R. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hadiyah...My thoughts are with you. Sending warm blessings and positive energy your way. Peace, love, and soothing thoughts...Terry
About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2000
Member Since

Friends 1
