The Beginning

Jan 20, 2014

I am 33.  I am married.  I am employed.  I am an auntie, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.  I am 5’1”.  I weigh 295.  My BMI is 55.7.  I am what the medical community calls me “super obese”. 


How did I get here?  When did I get here?  Wasn’t I on Weight Watchers?  Wasn’t I following a gluten free diet?  Didn’t I choke down Slim Fast shakes?  Wasn’t I participating with  Didn’t I have personal trainers and gym memberships?  Don’t I have a degree in Health and Wellness??  How did I get here?? 


I wish to be healthy.  I wish to be a happier person.  I wish to be a better spouse to my husband.  I wish to be a mommy.  I wish watch my children’s children grow. 


I want to be able to put my socks and shoes on without a struggle.  I want to be able to walk up stairs without being winded.  I want to go for walks without my feet, knees and hips aching.  I want to shop in stores.  “Normal” stores.  I want to feel feminine and beautiful.  I want to fit in a booth at a restaurant without fear that the bench is not going to be big enough.  I want the seatbelt in the car to actually fit across me without locking up. 


I need to do something.  I need to do this.  I need to save my life before I am plagued with illness.  I need this surgery.  I need this tool.


I have goals.  I have aspirations.  I have wants.   I have needs.  But this number, this 295, is getting in the way. 

This is the start of my changing – for the better – AND healthier – life.


About Me
Buffalo, NY
Jul 16, 2009
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 1
