How do I get in water and protein....

hello everyone - I am newly post op and I need some help.... 1. I am having a really hard time getting in my water...can someone give me some ideas on how to get my water in? 2. I have no appetite and I am not hungry at I find it very hard to eat. 3. Does anyone else get hiccups after eating or drinking? 4. Any ideas for supplemental protein...I have tried a few protein drinks but hate them..Help! 5. Thank you for all your help!    — Ilene M. (posted on September 22, 2001)

September 22, 2001
peppermint tea. It is decaf, settles the tummy and the warmth is easier going down. Protein shakes. There are many types available. Watch the sugar content tho.
   — Barbara B.

September 22, 2001
First, try adding a little, maybe a tsp of Carnation Instant powder (the NO SUGAR ADDED chocolate flavor). None of them are super but we NEED them, so I just looked at it as a fact of life. As for the water, take a bottle whenever you go ANYWHERE, especially in the car. Just sip on it. You'll be amazed at how much you drink while you are out and about. Best of luck!
   — Tammy M.

September 22, 2001
I am newly post op also, and was finding it hard to drink anything.. Well, I found some mint green tea. It is decaf, and for some reason much easier to get down then just plain water. Once I get a few cups of it down it seems like I can tolerate the water better? Don't know why. I have some EAS muscle drive protein drink, it is vanilla, but have also had the chocolate, it is really good, especially with a half a banana and some ice in a blender.. Even without anything added it is a pretty good shake. Best of luck to you. Try to drink something, I know from experience, I feel so so much better after drinking fluids. ~Chandra Moore Lap RNY ~ Sept 11, 2001
   — Chandra M.

September 22, 2001
I am also a hiccuper. The first two weeks were the worst after eating or drinking (very violent hiccups). Now that i am nearly 4 weeks post-op, they are subsiding and are not as troublesome. In my case I believe it occurs mostly when I am not drinking/eating small enough mouthfuls. Now that I have learned the proper size sip and bite for me, I don't have really any problems.
   — Jo Ann Y.

September 22, 2001
Ilene, You sound just like me. I could have written that question word for word up until a couple days ago. I'm 17 days post-op, having hiccups EVERY time I eat. Fortunately, the amount of hiccups are less and less. For protein, I bought Premier 1 Protein bars (found them at Costco). They ar 31 grams a bar. That is A LOT! Two bars and you have your protein for the day, although I can only eat one a day right now. I eat 1/2 early in the day and the other half in the evening. Also for breakfast, I have one poached or scrambled egg. I cannot stand the protein shakes. I tried really hard to drink them, but just can't do it. For fluids, I'm drinking gatorade and soup broth. They both go down much easier than water. Crystal Lite is way TOO SWEET for me. Hope this helps.
   — artistmama

September 22, 2001
I can only best answer the water question, I don't like it alone so I water down my crystal light. I make it half water and half crystal light and take it with me wherever I go. Good luck.
   — Angela S.

September 22, 2001
I looked at your profile and noticed your birthday is the same day as mine! June 10. As far as protein, if you aren't eating much, you probably should supplement.If you don't like the milkshake type, maybe you could try the clear fruit flavored kind. I usually use Zero-carb Isopure in ready to drink bottles. They come in several flavors. The grape and punch taste best to me. They are a little expensive, but usually I mix it with some diet black cherry soda and it actually tastes good. The clear ones are easier to get down than the powdered mixes. Try not to worry too much, you are still newly post-op, so the most important thing is to heal first. Usually by one month post, you can get more real food in and you won't have to worry about supplementing so much.Good luck.
   — Maria H.

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