No weight loss since 01/30/02

Had gastric bypass 061401 - haven't lost any weight since January of this year. I am totally scared. Had EGD showed nothing. Pouch is good size. Did upper GI (barium swallow) and all that should is fluid passed through me very quick and a mild hernia. Doctor told me he wants me to see a dietician and nothing else needs to be done I am fine. I don't feel fine. I am still 50 lbs over weight. Still over 200 lbs....getting more and more depressed by the day. I dont' know what to do. I do watch what I eat. I don't believe I am eating to much. What should I do? Please is anyone out there can help let me know. This is tearing me apart. thanks    — kimberly L. (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
Sorry to hear about your long plateau! :( I'm guessing you had the RNY...there is a website with a list of rules...Pouch Rules for might want to check that out and see if there are somethings you can do that you didn't know about... You didn't mention how much you lost...but try to enjoy the benefits of losing what you did. I'm still far from goal...and would be devestated if I didn't lose anymore weight...but the improvements just over the past three months have been amazing! Good luck!
   — Pamela B.

August 28, 2002
hiya {{hugs}} you may want to double check on your hernia, we had a lady in our wls support group who had a hernia and i actually created a 2nd pouch!! so the food was going in there and she gained weight! also, i'm not sure how you're following a program plan but when i hit a plateau what i've done is: increase protein intake, increase exercise (or change type of exercise, if doing aerobics try tae-bo), and really watch the amount of carbs and fat crossing your lips. if drinking the "usual" soy and whey protein mixes is tough (too sweet) (i started throwing them up 2 weeks post op) you can try Jarrow's Iso Rich Soy Protein Powder - it is the only kind you can cook with. i mix it with all kinds of stuff, quiches, casseroles, sauces, stir fry, even in the ricotta mixture in lasagna. i also add 2 tbls to my morning coffee. 2tbls = 25grams protein, no fat, no sugar, no carbs (no taste!) and 110 calories. i get it online at: it's about $24 (with s&h) for a 2# container which lasts me 2 months. good luck! take care, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

August 28, 2002
Kimberly, my story was the same as yours. I had my surgery on 2-19-2001 and lost for only the first 5-6 months and then stopped. I went through alot of sabotaging of myself all while telling myself that I was doing my best. I don't want to be too long of a response but if you want you can check out my profile because I wrote about what I went through and how I got where I am today. I have lost 27 pounds since the beginning of June 2002 and I want you to know that you can start losing again. For me the not losing weight wasn't about food even though I ate constantly. It was about not wanting to lose my best friend... FAT. Obsessing about my weight allowed me to not deal with the real things that were making me unhappy... I could blame all my problems on being fat... it was my comfort zone. I am now only 10 pounds from having a normal BMI. If you want to email me please feel free to do so because I know how heartbreaking and desperate it feels to be where you are. Just thinking about how I was feeling back then still gets me choked up. It's only been a short while since I've made changes in my life but I feel like I have learned more about myself then I had in my entire life. Good Luck, Debbie Wolfe
   — dream_small

August 28, 2002
I would go back and read the "Pouch rules for dummies". Also, you might want to start logging your daily food intake on, this way you have an accurate record of what you are eating. Fitday is great, I'm almost 3 months post-op and use it faithfully. Good Luck and I hope you get out of this plateau quick!!
   — stacjean

August 28, 2002
have you had your thyroid checked?? It can go wacky after significant weight loss.
   — Vicki L.

August 28, 2002
For those of you who are pre-op and reading this, this is a common problem with the RNY, do yourself a favor and get the DS.
   — Tracy P.

August 28, 2002
How long after you eat do you feel satisfied? Hungry again? When did this change from feeling full & saitisfied for a few hours? I tend to think in terms of mechanics. If your UGI showed things passing thru too quickly, have you had a scope to check out the stoma size?
   — vitalady

August 29, 2002
Kimberly...from my calculations, you've lost 74 pounds! That's great. The other posters have given good advice. Let us know what you find out at the doctors. Remember, keep those 74 off so that when something breaks you don't have to relose them! Tracey...I'm sure that you didn't mean to come across as gloating but as a pre-op, scheduled for a lap ryn on 9/12, I found your comment to be upsetting. Everyone has to choose the operation that fits best with their own circumstances. Obviously, the DS worked for you because you've lost 115 pounds in 18 months--congratulations! However, you also had a number of difficulty complications, which can happen with ANY kind of surgery! I guess that's my point, you can lose lots of weight and keep it off with any kind or not and you can be complication free or have tons of complications with any kind. Just my 2 cents! Cheers,
   — Katherine M.

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