Okay this is weird....Im 5 weeks postop

and a few weeks ago I ate a bite size almond joy, and it was fine no problem. WELL last nite I ate the size thing I had a sweet tooth OMG I got ready for bed and right after I fell asleep I woke up with this really sour taste in my mouth. I ran into the bathroom and had the dry heaves for like 5 minutes felt really weird had this NASTY taste in my mouth . my throat felt like it was on fire and for like 20 minutes I kept feeling like I was choking . WHAT THE HECK WAS THIS? I can tell you this I will NEVER eat another almondjoy. And can this happen now with other food that I thought was safe?..Thanks for answering    — Schatzie1 (posted on November 5, 2002)

November 5, 2002
You are dumping...!!!
   — penciepaws

November 5, 2002
does not sound like dumping to me, sounds more like post nasal drip. Do you take allergy meds?? I ask becasue my allergies have just started to act up and my meds have been a lifesaver the past few nights. Hope it does not happen agian!
   — Vicki L.

November 5, 2002
Rose, I hate to say that for me, nothing is ever "safe." I am 8 weeks out and some foods will be fine one day and not the next. It does seem to be getting more consistant now. I haven't tried any candy, so I can't comment on Almond Joy, but for me there are a few things I can do to make any food more "safe." They are, eating slowly and chewing. Good luck.
   — Amber L.

November 5, 2002
Why are you eating candy at 5 weeks postop? I don't mean to be judgemental but come on, it has only been 5 weeks.
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

November 5, 2002
Could be BILE also...did you have your gallbladder out with WLS? I know after my gallbladder surgery, if I throw up - it burns my throat SO bad -and it is very yellow... so you could be throwing up a bit of bile.. sorry for the graphics, however, you are probably dumping too... SO NO MORE CANDY!
   — Tammy T.

November 5, 2002
My surgeon told me up front that coconut was forbidden for life. It can cut your insides!!! Besides, like others have stated...candy is just not wise. This surgery is a tool to help us control how much we eat and to a very small extent some of the foods we eat. Sugar is one that for most people the tool makes it impossible to eat anymore. Don't make the mistake of trying to override the tool. Use it to HELP you control yourself. But remember too, that you have to work at getting healthy by making wise choices. I hope you were not mislead into thinking that you could have this surgery and then eat any type of food you wanted and still lose weight. That's just not true. To be healthy, lose the weight and keep it off, takes a life time commitment to using the tool the way it was intended. As a tool, to help, not a cure, and not something that makes it possible to eat anything you want to. I hope you don't get offended at my advice, but it really worries me that maybe you don't understand about how to use this surgery and you might make mistakes that cost you your success or your health. Good luck and stay away from candy.
   — Teri D.

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