Am I going to be ok?

I had surgery 3 and a half weeks ago and I'm pretty miserable (to be expected I know), but I dump on everything! I tried some lunch meat (turkey and chicken) and dumped. I try to drink a protien shake and I dump. To top it off I'm puking up mucus and phlegm every other day. In the last 3 days all I've had is water, half of a protien shake, 2 oz of unsweetened applesauce, and some s/f jello. I take my vitamins, but I'm so worried that I'm going to do some major nutritional damage. I just can't eat. Please don't tell me to call my doc, because I did and they don't have room for me for over a week. Everything I eat I've chewed to death - even the applesauce if that's possible. When will I be able to stomach some normal foods again? When will I be able to stomach anything??? I'm pretty scared. Any suggestions on foods I should try?    — Toni C. (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 10, 2003
toni, Your not going mad, or even going through anything that unusual. If you are throwing up mucus, you may be having post nasal drip that is causing the nausea. Try and get something to stop that. Also, are you really dumping, or just throwing up everything you eat?? There is a difference!! Stay away from milk products, they can be brutal this early out. Take eating slow. ONe bite of everything at first. It's easy to over eat at this stage. About your vitamins. Are you taking the chewable kids ones? Take two, but seperate them. A full dose adult one can cause nausea sometimes too! Save those for a little further out. Lots to learn, and we are all different. Good Luck in your journey. Make sure that you are getting in your water, you do not want to get dehydrated. THat is the most important thing right now---water.
   — Vicki L.

January 10, 2003
It is still too early to be eating solid foods for most people. Keep on liquids and pureed foods at this time and in small amounts. Make sure you are taking your multiple vitamins. Devilled ham, devilled chicken,(the adult equivalent of baby food), soft seafood like scallops will go down pretty good right now, but keep it in small amounts. You are still in a healing stage and food won't feel good for a few more weeks.
   — Darlene P.

January 10, 2003
I agree with the first poster. It sounds like you have post nasal drip. If you can get that under control it may help everything else. Buy a children's liquid or fastmelt sinus medicine and try that. Once you have that under control, try going back to full liquids. I used a strainer. I pureed chicken soup and drank that. Also make sure the protein drink you are using is sugar free. I used CarbSolutions and AdvantEdge Low Carb, both available at WalMart. Try the premixed at least until you can get stuff down. They are less chalky and don't have all that air introduced from the blending. (I still can't do protein drinks from the blender!) While the strainer is good, make sure you stay away from really acidic stuff like tomato based soups or sauces and citrus juices. If your pouch is already upset with you they may make things worse.<p>I would go ahead and make the appointment with your dr. If you try all this stuff and it doesn't work, at least you won't have to wait ANOTHER week to see him. And if it does work you could always cancel! Be sure to keep sipping water all day every day. If you get dehydrated you'll end up in the hospital for sure! Good luck and I hope you feel better!
   — ctyst

January 10, 2003
First, I can't even believe you're eating lunch meat. I couldn't eat anything solid for 8 weeks! Your stomach is very upset. Try taking some Mylanta to settle your stomach. I had stomach problems and my doctor called in a prescription for me. It worked wonders. I know you don't want to call, but do and ask if there's anything over the counter you can take or if they can call you in a prescription until you can get in to see him. If you're starving, try baby food (pudding, etc.) That's a very easy consistency. The reason you're getting the phlegm is because your stomach is upset and there's nothing in it anymore to bring up. Easy on the water. That will also upset your stomach especially if you're not eating anything. Feel better soon!
   — dolphins94

January 10, 2003
warm tea or chicken soup broth will cut down on the phlem and feel good in your tummy Stop worrying you will not die from lack of food at 3 weeks out I could not eat either enjoy this honeymoon time of not being hungry your a lucky one some are hungry better to be not hungry try some cottage cheese refried beans mashed potatoes soups jello try a ensure just a little you will be eating like 1 oz at a time not much swollow the food let it hit your tummy before taking another bite soups are a good thing for the first few weeks you will be fine Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

January 10, 2003
Aw, Toni, your having a rough time, sweetie. I'm sorry, but be assured that you will be OK. You will not starve, just sometimes its tough early on. Trust me, it does get better. At this stage, its just a wait and see if it stays down... I had severe nausea early post-op and what helped was egg drop soup. Soft scrambled eggs were good too, as was clear Koolaid looking protein drinks. The shakes might be a little thick for you this early. Just keep sipping water, try to get in some protein and don't worry about the lack of food at this point. You should start to feel better pretty soon. Keep in touch with us. We're here for you.
   — Cindy R.

January 10, 2003
I can SOOO relate! I literally thought I was going to die the first few months. I would throw up nearly everything I tried, including water if you can believe it. I was treated for dehydration at the ER twice in that first two months. Things fortunately do get better, slowly but surely. Now, two years post-op, I am 100% thrilled with my surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. A coupla hard months in exchange for a lifetime of good health - can't beat that! Hang in there!!!
   — Terissa R.

January 10, 2003
I was throwing up foam and mucus too. did not know it was stomach acid at the time. after months untreated i started throwing up blood. went to hosp and they did and endoscope and discoved that it was over producing stomach acid which was making an ulcer. Please go the the dr if not then please take and anti acid before you eat to see if that help. good luck
   — Tammy P.

January 10, 2003
It might be a tad bit early for turkey and chicken. Regarding the mucous problem, which I still fight from time to time, they have me take my regular allergy meds, but before bed, take Zantac and a benedryl. That dries me up and stops the stomach acid so I don't have problems the following day.
   — Cathy S.

January 10, 2003
I was on pureed food for the first 4 weeks or so - some things I was allowed: oatmeal (I bought packets of instant regular flavor oatmeal and made it with Lactaid milk for extra protein and calcium, and to help prevent dumping), V-8 juice, pureed chicken (not lunchmeat - I got Tyson roasted skinless, boneless breasts of chicken and pureed it with some cream of chicken Soup at Hand), pureed cottage cheese, Dannon low fat, low sugar yogurt, pureed peaches in juice, mashed potatoes, Cran raspberry juice (no sugar added) diluted with an equal part of water, Choice DM (like Ensure but for diabetics - low sugar, but lots of vitamins). You are still quite a ways from being healed up inside, and you need to take it easy. Do see your doctor next week. Chewing food is great, but take the time to puree some food; it didn't seem as heavy when I ate pureed as when I switched to chewing. You could try baby food if you don't feel like making anything, but I personally would rather have skipped eating altogether if I had to eat that stuff (Yuck!, although the fruits aren't too terrible.) I hope you are doing better soon. (P.S try to have something in your stomach when you take your vitamins - that may be contributing to the problem).
   — koogy

January 11, 2003
If you have problems with eggs, try eggbeaters or something like them. I've been told that they are much easier to digest.
   — Beth S.

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