Ladies, have symptoms related to your monthly cycle changed?

Guys, you won't want to read this... I apologize for being so graphic. I am pre-op but very curious about any possible improvements in the monthly cycle after surgery. I am 31 years old, and have never been regular. I may have a period one month and may not have another for 4 or 5 months. During my period I am always in excruciating pain and almost always require a day or 2 off work (which is why I'm home today). I also bleed very heavily, normally soaking through pads in less than an hour. I can't use tampons because they hurt me. Also, during my period I have to walk squeezing my legs together, and sit very slowly and carefully because I feel like my insides are falling out. Does anyone else have this dramatic of a cycle? And does it improve after surgery?? Thanks so much for your help. :-)    — Helen M. (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 6, 2003
Hi! This is an excellent question, unfortunately I don't have an answer only my experience. pre-op I had not been regular either (actually had not gotten a period in months)then when I got home from the hospital after surgery I got it and have gotten it regularly ever since. let me tell you the pain is just as bad as it was before and the flow seems to have increased!! I'm usually in tears for the first 2 days of my period because it hurts so bad. I used to take ALEVE before surgery because that was the only thing that took the pain away, but since we can't take aleve anymore and tylenol does nothing for me I have resorted to taking the percocets they sent me home with after surgery ;) that is the only thing that works right now! good luck sweetie! I know how you feel
   — Ivonne C.

April 6, 2003
Hello, I have been having bleeding problems for a while, I bled so much that I couldn't get my underwear down fast enough without getting it all over me (Sorry for being so graphic) Well any way I was hoping after my surgery that my periods would straighten out, but they didn't. So I went to my female doctor--and he put me on prometrium. I only take it for 10 days a month, and now my periods are starting to be regular, don't bleed very much and they don't last half as long! I hope this helps!
   — Donna T.

April 6, 2003
For this reason exactly is why I have been on birth control for years. It fixed me right up. I do have a regular cycle now, bleed very light for 3 days, and my cramps are much less severe, all thanks to that little pill. I was taking it pre-op and continued to through surgery and now post-op. All is fine but I know once I go off that pill I'm in for some trouble. You might want to consider it, it's worked wonders for me that is why I fought to keep on it uninterrupted through my surgery. I woke up the next day wanting to know when I could take it!
   — Dee ,.

April 6, 2003
I have found that my periods have gotten worse. I feel like a teenager again. My voice has even changed because there is not that huge layer of fat around my throat. I found that excedrine helps me alot. I am considering the pill too even though I don't need it for birth control. Something has to give. I am miserable too. Feeling for you in KY. (open RNY 2-23-02, -154lbs, current weight 163, 5'3")
   — Oldsoul

April 7, 2003
Helen, they have never diagnosed anything in regards to this? It seems they could do something for you- I mean if it is so bad that you miss work, it would make me think there is some kind of treatment? Are you passed the child bearing stage? What about some kind of d&c/ and or/ablation? My girlfriend(s) had it done- I think it is where they cauterize the lining, and your periods are less severe... however, it would be hard to have kids after this proceedure because implantation is darn near impossible. One had an undiagnosed condition and the other, huge fibroids.
   — Karen R.

April 7, 2003
I never had periods quite as bad as what you are describing, but I had irregular periods with very heavy bleeding. Before wls it was not uncommon for me to only have 2-3 very heavy, very painful periods in a year. I had my surgery in July and since August I have had regular periods. I mean, I'm still not one of those women you could set a clock by, but I now have a period every 28-35 days. My periods only last for five days now and are not nearly as severe as before. Your case sounds very extreme, though. I would definitely discuss it with your ob/gyn. Like the other poster said, there has to be some type of medical intervention that could help you. I hope you get the answers you are looking for.
   — Jenny S.

April 7, 2003
Helen, I'm sorry you go through so much every month- that is really unfortunate! My periods are alot lighter now (but they were never that heavy to begin with) but I am still irregular I believe b/c of losing so much weight and my hormones are just crazy. I do get excruciating cramps like you do as well. Have you gotten anything checked out? I have cysts, so that caused mine to be so painful, and birth control helped. I am not on it anymore, but will probably go back on it. My GYN said the only thing she can do for pain is pain killers since tylenol did not work. I would get everything checked out just in case. Goodluck to you and feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 7, 2003
Hi there, Helen! I have had severely bad periods since I was 12. I have undergone 5 D&Cs over the years ( with no relief) and the Dr. put me on the Depo injections. He started me off with double doses to "dry me out", as he put it, and I would get my periods rarely after that. The last time I got off my Depo injections, I ended up having my cyle for a year and a half straight, it was heavy beyond belief. Most days I had to wear 4 of those overnite pads at once and change them every half hour! The Dr was giving me injection after injection and it didn't work, that's when I had my last D&C. It took 3 more months and 6 more injections to make it stop. I kept pleading with my old Gyne to just take everything out, but because I have never had children, he refused, I even had a lawyer draw up papers to say I wouldn't sue him if I decided later I wanted kids, but he still refused and said my only option was the depo. I've stayed on it ever since. After surgery, when my 1st weight loss began and the hormones began to be severely off balance, I began to bleed and it lasted a little over a month, although I wasn't due for a shot my new gyne gave me a double dose and in about a week it cleared up. I haven't had a bad one since. I still get cramps, but no where near the pain as before, I bleed heavy, but not to the point of having to wear as many pads as I once did or with the HUGE clots that felt like my ovaries were coming out! I truly feel your pain and hope that you are able to find some relief. I do agree with the poster that mentioned seeing your DR. to see if there is an underlying cause. I still haven't had a "reasonable" explanation other than genetics. Gotta love those doctors...NOT! Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 120 lbs.
   — Vi F.

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