Is Tea Okay To Drink ?

Can you count decaf tea as part of your liquid intake, i still have a terrible time with plain water, i always have. How bad is it to drink tea with caffiene in it? and what does it do to you?    — lisa N. (posted on December 23, 2002)

December 22, 2002
DECAF SUGAR FREE would be okay to subsitute once in a while i think. My nutrionist perfers me to drink plane Ol Water sometimes with lemon to give it a flavor. Cafine I know cannot count as a water so becareful!
   — sandrac131

December 22, 2002
Caffeine dehydrates the body, taking away the water you put in. I read in a couple of places, including here on AMOS, that for every beverage with caffeine you should replace that with twice as much water. Dehydration can lead to any number of health problems, starting with simple problems like constipation and headache. The only tea I drink is peppermint herbal tea (the warmth soothes the pouch). Even decaf iced tea or coffee contains some amount of caffeine since caffeine is there to begin with then has to be removed. I believe the only "real" decaf coffee is the Swiss-extraction method stuff, which isn't cheap. Try drinking your water in different ways to see what way you prefer it (ice cold, cold no ice, room temp, bottled straight from the bottle or in a glass). Seriously, you'd be surprised that the source or temp of your water can make a big difference in how palatable it is.
   — Anna L.

December 22, 2002
the other probelm with caffeine is that it interfers with your calcium absorption. Antoher reason to stay away. I drink decaff tea all of the time. I just love my tea.
   — Vicki L.

December 22, 2002
Decaf tea is perfectly fine as liquid intake. Herbal or green teas are decaf so no worries. I particularly loved mint tea right after I cam hoe from surgery.

December 22, 2002
My primary source of liquid is decaf Crystal Light Iced Tea. Water doesn't agree with me except immediatly after exercise (who knows??), so I go through a lot of Iced Tea. Go for it ... but make sure it's the decaf kind!
   — KelBurt

December 22, 2002
In the beginning I had a hard time with cold water. I would drink herbal teas with splenda. It helped me get in all of the liquid everyday.
   — Linda A.

December 23, 2002
Lipton makes a great Diet Tea. It has only 5 calories per serving and NO sugar is listed on the label. However, it does list Aspartame(Nutrasweet) but dsn't give any info. beyond that. I think there is a Decaf one also. The diet is a blue lid, I think decaf is green. However, I had a DS so I don't on sugar. Hope this is another choice for you. Best wishes and continued success.
   — Linda M.

December 23, 2002
Hi: I always drank decaf tea and counted it as water intake. If you are afraid of even the minute amount of caffeine in decaf tea, try herbal tea. Herbal tea is not actually tea, therefore contains no caffeine. If you sweeten this with artifical sweetener, I believe it is much easier to get your water quota in this way. Also, during the winter months, depending upon where you live, it is much more difficult to drink cold drinks. I find decaf/herbal tea much more soothing and comforting. Good luck. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

December 23, 2002
I was told by my Dr. and nutristionist that coffee and tea were no-no's in GBP. Something having to do with a direct corolation between the coffee/tea and kidney stones. I was a HUGE tea drinker before surgery, but haven't even been tempted to try it since...and I am 2 months out.
   — Jessica D

December 23, 2002
I can't stand plain water either, so I can really relate to this. I have found that mixing a spoon (depending on how much water you have) of sugar free flavor syrups with the water that I can tolerate much more. I know that the Da Vinci syrups make a green tea concentrate syrup and a lemon tea concentrate. So you may want to try those to get a tea flavor but with out the bad side effects that teas have. There are also some other brands that make them, such as atkins, sorbee, torani, and nature's flavors are a few of them. I personally have only tried sorbee, da vinci, and atkins and all of them were pretty good. The da vinci's had the strongest flavors. Best of luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 24, 2002
I drink tea every day, all day. I buy decaff for at home, but dump all kinds of sugar in it. When I'm out, most places don't offer decaff tea, so I just get regular...again, with sugar. Not the best of advice, but it seems to be working for me. 14 mos post op 140lbs~~and my doc says I'm fine. :)
   — RebeccaP

December 24, 2002
I drink tea(hot) all the time. I always drink the decaf and if I am out I keep a zip-loc baggie in my purse with some decaf tea bags and some splenda in it. I just ask for hot water. I drink so much tea that my husband has even taken up the habit and I think he drinks more than I do now. All I need to do now is to get him to switch to
   — DRutherford

December 25, 2002
Teas that contain black tea also effect your absorption of non-heme iron, which is the type of iron you would find in supplements and non-meat foods. Check ingredients.
   — dream_small

January 7, 2003
I drink tea constantly. I drink what ever is available be it caff, or decaff. It is a myth that everything with caffeine doesn't count as fluid because it makes you urinate more. You are not going to urinate all of it out. Of course every one knows that water is the best. I like tea. Just keep yourself hydrated and you will be just fine.
   — denaa

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