What are my chances

I have been hunting for a plastic surgeon to go to who would pursue the insurance route. I took someone's advice and called my inusrance company to find out if they knew of anyone. They didn't, but said if I had a name they could check to see if it was a preferred provider. I gave them a couple names to check and they were preferred providers. So I went ahead and scheduled consult appointments to see 2 plastic surgeons in Kansas City MO (Dr. Rast and Dr. Baker). I live in Hutchinson, KS, so this is about a 3 1/2-4 hour trip. My first question is do both surgeons submit something to the insurance or do I decide which Dr. I prefer and only have them submit? They only reason I ask is because I thought maybe if they both did the 2nd opinion might help. My appointments are for 1/17/03. After I scheduled the appts. the lady from my insurance called me back and said she just wanted to clarify that it would be highly unlikely for my insurance to cover any of this. I definitely need an abdominoplasty or lower body lift, thigh lift, brachioplasty and even a breast lift (I could get along without the last, but not the others). I get a rash under my panni, under my arms and in the bends of my legs--behind my knees. My thighs have fallen to my knees and the skin hangs down. I was all excited when I found 2 surgeons for consults and now I'm majorly depressed. My insurance is federal BC/BS. Has anyone had any luck in getting them to pay for reconstructive surgery? Please let me know. Thanks    — jan M. (posted on December 28, 2002)

December 28, 2002
Hang in there... I work for an OB/GYN and one of our pts is working on getting approval for the abdominoplasty.... she has documentation about the yeast, rash, etc. and our dr. wrote a letter to support the necessity of such surgery. The drs office will probably be able to help w/ coding so that the consultation is covered and may know some loops w/ the insurance. Good luck
   — Leigh S.

December 29, 2002
I am it is different here, but that sounds like a medical problem, and I dont see why it shouldn't be covered, in Ontario we have OHIP, and that type of surgery is covered because it is medical neccessity... good luck
   — Michelle M.

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