3 questions for those of you who have had revisions?

Is the recovery period the same as it was for the original surgery? Did you go to the same surgeon? Also, did you lose the remainder of your excess weight? Thanks!    — ellton (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
You never mentioned what type of surgery you had before? I had a gastric staple(open) 15 years ago and am now looking into a RYN. I am in the process of getting things rolling with the same Dr.who did my surgery before. The probelm I think I'll run into is the BMI issue. Kathy
   — Kathi S.

May 30, 2002
I had my first surgery in January of 1999. Was having problems after losing initial 200 pounds. Medical workup reveals stretched pouched and multiple adhesions (scar tissue). My stomach was attached to my spleen, liver and colon. Surgical intervention required and while the surgeon was in there he tightened the pouch and removed remainder of my stomach leaving me with only th pouch. Because my stomach was stuck on the spleen and liver, I did a lot of bleed and required 3 transfusion. The first procedure was open, the second was done laproscopic (despite the bleeding). I did switch surgeons only because the surgeon is known to me from my work (I am a nurse). As far as did I lose the excess, time will tell since I had the re-do on May 15, 2002. Both procedures were RNY. The second lap procedure was rougher due to the bleeding and the resulting fatigue. the dietary recovery is the same. Just started pureed this week. Hope this gives you the information you are looking for. good luck.
   — Jim J.

May 30, 2002
Hi, I have not had my revison yet, it is scheduled for 07/01/02. That being said, I did go back to my original surgeon and he totally supported me (ordered test, bloodwork etc) in trying to find out why I had re-gained. I am going to assume the recovery period is the same. This is still major surgery. As for losing the remainder: I have researched as many people on this sight as I could find that had revisions (mostly VBG to RNY, like me) and I can say that those I found have lost a significant amount of their weight. I am going to make every effort to follow in their footsteps.
   — Ali M

May 30, 2002
Hello Tonya...see my profile for details...Yvonne Ross I had my revision done 8 months ago and seem to be at a month's long plateau, but I'm still glad I had the revision. From VBG to RNY, both open. Recovery was easier this time, I'd weighed a lot less than the first time and I think that made a difference. Good luck.
   — Yvonne R.

May 30, 2002
Regarding your surgeon... Really look into why your first surgery was not as successful as you had hoped it would be. If you think ANY of it might be related to the missing follow-up support and guidance from your surgeon, shop around. I went back to my initial surgeon for my RNY revision (May 20, 2002)-- now I find out that OTHERS in the area run support groups, have DETAILED post-op suggestions, you know, set you up for success. Just a thought...
   — Karen F.

May 30, 2002
Although I have not had my revision (from a VRG to the Duodenal Switch)it is scheduled for 7/15/02, I am fully prepared have some "down time". I know the hospital stay will be the same and since I need to be "opened" the same as before, I believe the recovery will be about the same. From what I remember I was up and about w/i about 3 weeks with out too much discomfort. The only thing that may help, is that I am about 40 pounds (woopie-doo) lighter since my last surgery, and am a lot more physically active. 7 years and 40 pounds lost!! Talk about a drag. Best thing to do, is to discuss the issue with your surgeon.
   — Nanette H.

May 30, 2002
I have had two revisions of RNY .. open procedure . My first revision was done by my original surgeon to repair a disrupted staple line complicated by a perforated marginal ulcer that had developed into peritonitis. I had a very long recovery from this revision due to being so very ill.. my recovery was complicated by post surgery pneumonia. My second revision was done by a totally different surgeon in a far away state from me.. I live in Georgia and flew to Washington state. This revision was to repair an atonic pouch... meaning a pouch that had enlarged and become unfunctional. The surgery was a success and I was able to fly home three weeks post op, drive and do light errands.. still dont do any heavy lifting , etc due to the hernia repairs.. etc. My recovery from the second surgery was much faster than the first for two reasons, I had an excellent surgeon with an excellent after care program, and the most important reason for my better and faster recovery was the consistent supplementation daily with protein shakes. Take care
   — Gina Landers

May 31, 2002
I didnt answer the third part of your question.. I am still losing.. and have already lost 187 pounds.. I want to lose about 60-65 more pounds before I think about plastic surgeries. Take care
   — Gina Landers

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