Anti-depressants & sexual dysfuntion. HELP?

I've tried serzone, wellbutrin, prozac, effexor, etc..... Can't remember them all right off hand. Desperatley need one NOW. Will do prozac again if no help here. Anyone know of one that doesn't cause sexual dysfunction? I've not ried any that have come out in the last couple of years. Any suggestions. My drive is very low even without them, but I would like to at least keep what little bit I have. LOL    — Belinda W. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 20, 2002
I too tried many anti depressants for years and they always messed with my sex drive. Two years ago, my doctor prescribed celexa and that has worked really well for me. It is supposed to have the least sexual side effects. Talk to your doctor and see if it is an option for you. Good luck!
   — Candace S.

February 21, 2002
I think people react differently to the anti-depressants that cause sexual side effects. I had them with both Prozac and Zoloft. Then I switched to Welbutrin and had no problems with it. I've recently added Celexa and the side effects are back. Talk with your doctor about trying some of the other ones. There may be one that helps with your depression and doesn't cause the side effects.
   — [Anonymous]

February 21, 2002
I think the previous poster is right. Different people react differently to the anti-depressants. I have no sexual side effects with Serzone, but Celexa killed any sex drive I had. Talk to your doctor and keep trying until you find the one that works for the depression AND doesn't kill your sex drive. Good luck!
   — Maria H.

February 21, 2002
I've heard terrible things about Zoloft. I use Effexor, and so far have no problems with it. What about Paxil?
   — Heather H.

February 21, 2002
I think that Wellbutrin is a great medication. It seems to work well and also not alot of negative side affects. Alot of the medications will leave you kindof in a haze. ICK!
   — Kim M.

February 21, 2002
Have you tried Wellbutrin SR?
   — Mary C.

February 21, 2002
I tryed Serzone and it didn't give me any of the side effects that you speak of but...I just saw an advertisement for a law office suing Serzone and saying you can get liver or kidney damage from it. Just thought everyone might want to know this. I have no idea if it is really bad for you but there's a class action going on.
   — Barbara H.

February 21, 2002
I have tried Prozac and Effexor, and they lowered my drive. I am now on Zoloft and it gives me the least amount of side effects, I also use Amitriptiline, which is an antidepressant and a neurological pain depressant. I have a higher libido now than since I started on antidepressants.
   — [Anonymous]

February 21, 2002
Prozac at first messed with my ability to achieve the O. After about a year, it stopped doing that. Since Hub and I are both on Prozac, I would not say it diminissed anything between us. I still want it, he still wants it: AND with the Prozac it still makes us want it with EACH OTHER!!! He he he Just kidding, I love my husband - just sometimes, you know.... to the moon, Alice!
   — Karen R.

February 21, 2002
I saw the post that asked if you had tried Welbutrin SR. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that we could not take sustained release meds after the surgery. Anyone else know about this?
   — garw

February 22, 2002
Geez Belinda, is your head spinning from all these repsonses?? :) Gar is right, we can't take sustained release. All these drugs affect EACH person differently, as you can see from all these varied posts. You will need to try and find the one for you. And remember, the really important part of all these drugs is that they keep us healthy mentally. I have been very happy with paxil and now prozac. I have a friend who went from prozac to celexa (because of sexual side effects) and says it is the best thing since sliced bread. You never know which one is going to work for you. I sure hope you have fun finding THE ONE!!! :) Best of luck!
   — [Anonymous]

February 23, 2002
I had tried at least a half dozen different anti-depressants pre-op and finally settled on Wellbutrin SR & Prozac. The Prozac caused sexual dysfunction for a few months, but the Wellbutrin helped counteract the side effects. Post-op, my doc switched me to regular Wellbutrin (not the sustained-released) and kept the Prozac the same. I'm happy to report that the sexual dysfunction side effects have been non-existant for nearly 9 months now. I'm currently 3 1/2 months post-op and down nearly 65 pounds.
   — Carrie S.

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