I am pre-op and alittle confused. Post ops I have talked to told me that

they fill full with alittle food and that is their 'tool' to not each too much. I just read a question saying they are hungry and they are post op. Seems like some of the responses had the same problem. My question is when you have surgery and you start eating, are you hungry from eating just alittle bit? If I am not 'full' after having surgery and am hungry like I am pre op, on a diet, I will be starving trying to eat a few spoonfuls. Please let me know are you always hungry after having this surgery?    — Judy W. (posted on March 8, 2002)

March 8, 2002
Everyone seems to experience this a little differently but my experience was that I did not have "hunger" for about 4 months after surgery. I did occasionally have my body tell me it needed food: light-headedness, jaw tension, headache, etc. On the advice of my dr I eat every 2-3 hours. After I got to the soft solids stage, I was averaging 800 calories until about 7 months out. Let me tell you I have been on a couple of <1000 calorie diets in my time and they didn't last too long because I felt like I was STARVING! Life after RNY has been VERY comfortable for me. I ate about 1/4 cup of food at a time. I ate until I was satisfied. When I hit the 7th month I noticed a big increase in my hunger level and the amount of food I could eat. That is normal. I ate when hungry (protein first) and after a while I lined back out to eating 6 small meals a day. To me, this is not like a diet. I could eat like this (and will) for the rest of my life with no problem. I eat foods that I enjoy and if I feel hungry, I eat. Some days I eat more than others. It all evens out. The key is that with your new smaller stomach the small amount of food will cause a slight stretch in your pouch that sends a signal to your brain that you are full. That helps to alleviate the hunger pains that you would feel if you put this tiny amount of food in your old, big stomach. Head hunger is a whole other matter but that is something that must be dealt with separately from "real" hunger.
   — ctyst

March 8, 2002
With me, I know I am hungry if I feel quesy(nauseuos). I eat, and feel better, but if I eat too much, or the wrong thing I get nauseous again. it tells me when to start, and when to stop. For me there is no Hungery, and full per se, just the quesiness. It definately is not like when I was preop where I would get sharp hunger pangs when I was hungery, and then stop eating when all the food is gone. good riddance to that, I say. don't worry about it. you will get used to how your body communicates it's needs to you when it wants something.
   — sbinkerd1

March 8, 2002
I am 2 weeks post op and I do not feel hungry at all. I get a bit last night when my hubby polished off a big pizza by I am eating about 2 oz of food per meal...sounds like very will be will know when you feel full. I try to eat on a set schedule, today my lunch time got delayed and I felt a bit weak and nauseous...felt better as soon as I ate. I think hunger returns a few months after surgery, by then you can eat more...but not like before surgery.
   — SARose61

March 8, 2002
Everyone IS different :) I am almost a 6 month postie & have yet to feel a hunger pain. I got to painting a room today and completely forgot to eat (it's 3:52 pm), I don't get nausiated or weak at all. I have to REMEMBER to eat now, lol! Today was not typical of my eating habits though, I usually have 3 or 4 small meals a day, about 1/2 to 1 cup full per meal. Congratulations on your decision and lot's of good luck coming your way *grinz*
   — DonnaCarol

March 8, 2002
hi there im post op had open r n y on feb 8 it has been my experience so far that ive not experienced 1 hunger pain yet physically im never hungry i eat because i know i have to to live even though im never hungry i still eat reccomended amount by surgeon and dietician i always feel satisfied never stuffed now i will admit ive had head hunger but thats the head playing games with me everyone is different but i hope this helps good luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

March 8, 2002
For about the first 3 1/2 months I only ate because I knew I needed to, I never felt actual hunger. I'm almost 6 months out and at this point I do actually feel hungry when I need to eat. It takes a wonderfully small amount of food to feel full. My family likes to tease me, I'll announce I'm "starving" and then eat a half a sandwich, enjoy it, and be satisfied. What a super change from the old days when I could eat constantly and never seem to feel full.
   — Bobbie B.

March 10, 2002
I cannot relate to the people who never have hunger after wls. I have had hunger from probably the 2nd day post op. The first 2-3 weeks, I was hungry the majority of the time. I ate every 2 hours or so when I was awake. After 3 weeks, the hunger toned down tremendously. Since then, I typically get hungry about 4-5 hours after eating. When I am hungry, I eat. It's that simple. The main difference is that it does not take much at all to satisfy the hunger and then I am good to go for another 4-5 hours. I guess some people don't experience hunger after wls, but I would have no clue what that is like. Karen
   — Karen W.

March 11, 2002
I've always experienced hunger since Day 2 post-op. But it really doesn't take much to fill me up. I'm battling "head hunger" (having the munchies) now at 7 weeks post-op. But I dump, so I have to make good food choices. As a result, I fill up pretty quickly. good !!
   — Kathy J.

March 11, 2002
When you are on the clear liquid stage, you can experience hunger. It may be just head hunger and it can easily be resolved by drinking a hot cup of broth or some jello. It comes back in a couple of hours because the liquid goes straight through. This phase doesn't last very long and when you start on soft food, if all is working as it should, you shouldn't be hungry. At least that is my experience. Even know at almost 5 mos post op I don't get hungry unless I have gone 8 hrs without something to eat. Then it is mild and not intolerable. I think the desire for something good to eat (head hunger) is very imminent at first but it too, subsides as we progress. What has happened in my experience is I will see something on TV, for example, pasta. But when I try it for myself, it is not that appetizing. I used to love Fish sandwiches from McDonalds. I tried the fish part and it just was NOT the same. That is what I love about this surgery. It puts food in the right perspective. It is just food and not a pleasure for me anymore. I can find pleasure in maybe the first two or three bites but after that it is not worth eating! That is the point when I stop usually. If I am craving something after a bite or two I am satisfied. Good luck!
   — Marilyn C.

March 12, 2002
I think it's "head hunger". I experienced it right after surgery. I think my mind could not deal with being unable to eat. My nutritionist said that for the first month or so, if you are hungry, EAT! As for constant hunger, no. Just a bite of food will kill any "hunger" feeling these days. You really, really, really won't feel deprived or hungry like you do pre-op. We can all tell you that, but it's a hard concept to grasp until you get there. Feelings of hunger do return, but it's not at all like before and can be easily satisfied with a small amount of food. Before surgery, I always felt hungry and could eat all day long!
   — PT LawMom

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